

Glossary: Master Keys





Virtuous Spiral

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Use in life and business



Virtuous Spiral growth - waltz up with everything



A virtuous spiral refers to a positive feedback loop where one beneficial event leads to another, enhancing and reinforcing the initial occurrence.

It is a chain of events in which one desirable occurrence leads to another which further promotes the first occurrence and so on resulting in a continuous process of improvement.





This concept is often related to harmonious growth, innovation, simulation, and experimentation, as well as to social, economic, or organizational contexts, illustrating how experiments can generate further discoveries, and how improvements can generate further improvements.

  Harmonious Growth Vadim Kotelnikov as a harmony innovator Universal Laws Harmony MegaInnovator Waltz up with everything All-Inclusive Love Virtuous Spiral of Harmonious Growth




Application Examples






Keep growing. Aim to be the kind of manager who gets the best from staff, and who does the best for them. Use the GROW coaching model on yourself to improve your performance, develop a roadmap to your better self and lead yourself towards it.

  Self-Discovery e-Coach Virtuous Spiral Self-Education Vadim Kotelnikov Self-Leadership Self-Coaching Self-Discovery Self-Development Self-Stretching Virtuous Spiral of Self-Development





Super-Creativity 24/7





Outside-the-box Thinking as a Habit

For super-creative people outside-the-box thinking is not a one-time effort, it's an effortless habit.





Each cycle of the virtuous spiral of relentless creative thinking has three phases:

Leave your comfort zone and become an explorer;

② Adopt a beginner's mind and challenge assumptions, ask 'Why? What if?' questions;

③ Step out of your shoes and look at things through lenses of a complete stranger.

  Thinking Outside the Box virtuous spiral of relentless creativity




In radical innovation, learning SWOT questions help venturepreneurial experimenters jump to the next curve of the virtual spiral. Many related and unrelated high-potential accidental discoveries were made thanks to venturepreneurial experiments.

  Strategic Experimentation: virtuous spiral process





Change Management A-to-Z





Change Management

Successful change is never a one-time event, it is a virtuous spiral journey. Waltz up with everything –  ideas, challenges, resistance to change, failures, and opportunities.

Learn as you go – ask learning SWOT questions after every major step into the unknown and adapt accordingly.

  How to overcome resistance to cnage: dance up with everything




Trump 47 vs. Trump 45

As the 45th U.S. President and a change leader, Donald Trump disrupted the status quo. He led by example but that was not good enough because most of his initiatives were boycotted by officials around him. Trump learned from that experience.

As the 47th U.S. President, he started his MAGA disruptive-change journey by creating a powerful guiding coalition of transformational leaders. Trump set them disruption-focused tasks and empowered the guiding coalition as a team.



Trumpformational Leadership

Change Master

Creative Destructor

Trump's 8 Keys to Success as a Disruptive-Change Leader

Trump as a Winner

Speech by JD Vance





Change Management A-to-Z





Konosuke Matsushita advice quotes

It is a kind of law of nature. The goal one aims for can rarely be reached by a direct road.

Konosuke Matsushita




Shuttle Diplomacy

Shuttle diplomacy is a form of negotiation where an intermediary travels back and forth between conflicting parties to facilitate discussion and achieve an agreement, rather than having direct communications between the main parties involved.


Shuttle Diplomacy

Win-Win Negotiation

Strategic Win-Win Negotiation

Selling Benefits






Innovation Process A-to-Z/360





Virtuous Spiral of Entrepreneurial Simulation

Entrepreneurial simulation games, like InnoBall, help develop innovative strategies, business models, and capabilities of innovation team members along the virtuous spiral.

  Virtuous Spiral of Innovation, InnoBall simulation game




Kaikaku-Kaizen Journey

Kaikaku and Kazen are two parts of the whole, like Yin and Yang. In the virtuous spiral of continuous improvement, radical improvement (Kaikaku) is followed with small continuous improvements (Kaizen)... More

Continuous-improvement mindset and performance-based learning help advance along the virtual spiral. For instance, some social-service organizations engage in a virtuous spiral of performance-based learning to regenerate public trust.


Kaizen and Kaikaku

10 Kaikaku Commandments

6Ws of Kaizen Wheel

KoRe Examples

Harmony Innovations

Proactive Futuring





Virtuous-Spiral Marketing

– an approach that fosters performance, continuous growth and enhancement over time.





Virtuous-Spiral Marketing refers to a strategic framework that utilizes a series of interconnected steps to create a positive feedback loop, where each successful outcome leads to further improvements in business performance, marketing effectiveness, or customer experience. Wood-Screw Marketing is a form of Virtuous Spiral Marketing.

  Wood-Screw Marketing - virtuous spiral on selling




Marketing Rainbow

