Self motivation empowers you and
helps you keep your spirit high
no matter how discouraging a
situation is.
Nurture emotions that will guide
you or facilitate reaching your
The Power of
Self Motivation
"Nothing great was ever
achieved without
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Self motivation is essential if you want to
excel and
succeed in life and
can achieve everything you have ever wanted to have, experience, or
The power has and always will be within you, but nothing will happen
until you get and stay motivated to make something happen, to change
your life and achieve
your desires. >>>
Discontent as
a Motivator
When asked "What Traits Should
Every Good Entrepreneur Possess?",
Clark who a billionaire who was involved in starting
Netscape, Silicon Graphics
and many other
start-up ventures,
answered, "Discontent and anxiety."
creative dissatisfaction, anxiety, and anger, if you use and harness it
in a positive way, are some of the most powerful motivations you can have.
Use them if you're not happy with where you are right now. Find an area of
discontent, think things through, and
take action.
Fear as a Motivator
Imagine that you lived the rest of your life
never having achieved your goal, and you never realized your potential or
what you were capable of. Create as horrible a picture as you can about this
possible future.
Problem Solving
Your attitude is extremely important. When you
think of problems you'll only attract more problems. When you think of
solutions – you'll attract solutions and
Don't focus on the problem, look
solutions.. See every
as an
Approach the problem
with the expectant attitude that there is an
innovative practical solution
just waiting to be found. Be relaxed, confident and clear in your