Your People Skills
"Connecting with people is not
about being phony or acting like someone you are not; it's about
creating a favorable link between your internal nature with its
beliefs and values, and the external world where you go to
~ Nicholas Boothman, the author of How To Connect
in Business in 90 Seconds or Less
Benefits of Connecting with
Learning to connect fast with your
customers, colleagues, bosses, employees, and even total
strangers will give you a significant competitive edge. It
will help you maximize the potential in every
relationship, be it personal, business-related, or social.
Fools talk mouth-to-mouth. Intelligent people
talk mouth-to-ear.
people and lovers talk
soul-to-soul. |
Advanced Soft Skills
Don't be a star,
be a sun!
Speak from your soul, and every
soul will open up, understand, and respond.
You don't need to shout to be
heard. Sincere hearts are listened to and heard even when they
are silent.
People have different
preferred ways
thinking and communicating their experiences – some express
themselves in pictures, others talk about how things sound to
them, and others speak about how things feel. If you want to
connect with them, you have to figure out which sense they
favor. |
To work effectively with people,
take their preferred style of interaction and decision-making
into account. Many misunderstandings derive from differences in
style. For example, "Perceivers" may see
"Judgers" as unwilling to take the time to explore creative
options. Conversely, "Judgers" can become irritated by
"Perceivers" who may stray from the agenda...
Self-irony is an effective way of connecting with people.
Some performing artists employ
self-irony to earn sympathy of their spectators (examples). |
Your People Skills
Eye Contact
"The cheapest, most
effective way to connect with people is to look them into the
~ Nicholas Boothman
Eye is one of the most important
nonverbal channels you have for communication and connecting
with other people.
Eyes are not only the "window to
the soul", they also answer the critical questions when you are
trying to connect:
▪ Is
s/he paying attention to what I'm saying?
▪ Does this person find me attractive?
▪ Does this person like me?...
More |
Your People Skills
If you really want to understand
someone, free yourself from your
ego and become the person you want to understand.
If you want your message to
hit the target, make the right adjustment to the wind.
Community-wide Rapport
Community-wide rapport is
friendship and mutual sympathy
effective and operative throughout
the whole community. Its pleasures
structure spiritual, moral and
collaborative interactions between
individuals in such a way that all
parties enjoy it and benefit from
Example |