Donald Trump quotes

As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.






Donald Trump is a self-made billionaire and the 45th and 47th President of the United States.


Country Heads


Donald Trump quotes

I wasn't satisfied just to earn a good living.
I was looking to make a statement.



Set the standard high. Challenge is good, and accomplishment creates healthy self-respect.


Stretch Goals



Donald Trump quotes

I've got the hottest personal brand in the world.




As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big. Most people think small, because they're afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning.

Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing.




5 Tips for Parents by Donald Trump

Be an example. Children watch – and they will emulate what they see.

② Set the standard high. Challenge is good, and accomplishment creates healthy self-respect.

③ Stress the importance of education, it’s the foundation for success.

④ Let them know they are exceptional, so exceptional results are expected.

⑤ Exhibit a sense of community through participation and philanthropy. Giving back is a great reward.




Donald Trump quotes

The fundamental question of our time is
whether the West has the will to survive.
