
VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Trumpformational Leadership

9÷16 keys to Tump's disruptive victories

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

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Trumpformational leadership (Trumpship) is a disruptive, bold and victorious style of transformational leadership exemplified by Donald Trump.




Donald Trump quotes

I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's where the fun is.





A to Z of Trumpformational Leadership




1 ÷ 8

Impact Crusader

Grand Vision

Personal Brand


Thinking Big




9 ÷ 16

Relentless Challenger


Charismatic Leader

Seller of Hope

Impactful Speaker

Leading by Example

Creative Destructor

High ROI

17 ÷ 24


Change Master

Rule Breaker





Relentless Challenger

Donald Trump knows that olives are pressed to release oil, so he tends to start his transformation efforts aggressively and uses shock therapy quite often.

The real excitement for Trump is creating disruptive change, addressing challenges, playing the game and winning.

  Disruptive Innovator, thinking ourside the box, Vadim Kotelnikov


Donald Trump quotes

I'm competitive, and I love to create challenges for myself.





Trump knows that winning in life is all about can-do attitude and self-confidence. His self-confidence stems from his self-image, smartness, positive thinking, achievements, successes and popularity. When somebody challenges him, he fights back in a brutal and tough way.

  Trumpship: Burning Belief quote Vadim Kotelnikov messageful image


Donald Trump quotes

I think I was born with the drive for success because I have a certain gene.




Charismatic Leader

Trump's charisma is a synergistic blend of traits, including his image of a winner, hot personal brand, competitive spirit, confrontational style, self-confidence, courage, great energy, and impactful communication skills.

  Vadim Kotelnikov Denis How To Find Lasting Inspiration Be Witty Engaging Energize People Be Energized Confidence Be Charismatic Keys to Charisma, How To Be Charismatic


Donald Trump quotes

I do many things that are controversial.
When people see it, they love it!




Seller of Hope

"A leader is a dealer in hope," said Napoleon. As a proactive futurist, Donald Trump knows how to raise hopes and make others feel more optimistic and excited about possibilities of future outcomes. He paints the target that sparks and fuels the fire within himself. He is also a fire lighter for his followers.

  Core 3 Leadership Skills: Leaders sell Dream, Hope, Self (DHS)


Donald Trump quotes

Together, we will make America strong again. We will make wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America great again.





Impactful Speaker

Trump is a charismatic and impactful speaker. He is able to capture imagination and transport people to a different place. He uses simple and direct language that resonates well with many audiences. His communication style evokes strong emotions. It draws listeners in and engages them. Trump also uses shock therapy in his communications when he wants to transform perceptions of his audience.


How To Speak Impactfully


Shock Therapy Communication

Use Right Words

World-changing Speech by JD Vence



Donald Trump quotes

I've always said, 'If you need Viagra, you're probably with the wrong girl.'




Leading by Example

Donald Trump embodies transformational leadership and models the way. His leadership style often reflects a "me-centric" approach. He loves challenges and loves winning.

  Leadership by Example VadiK Examples Values-based Leadership Leadership e-Coach Leadership Attributes Integrity Change Yourself Creating Change Dennis Be Energized Model the Way Turn Your Dream To Reality 12 Leadership Roles Trump as a Transformational Leader: Leadership by Example


Donald Trump quotes

Be an example. Children watch – and they will emulate what they see.




Creative Destructor

Trump knows that grapes must be crashed to make wine. As a creative destructor, Donald Trump dismantles outdated practices boldly in order to make way for positive transformational change.

  Dennis Innovation e-Coach Decreator Disruptive Innopreneur Vadim Kotelnikov Syntegrator Archibuilder Disruptive Innopreneur Donald Trump as a creative disruptor, Disruptive Innopreneur


Donald Trump quotes

The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.




High Return on Investment

Donald Trump is good at achieving more with less. He strives to get the highest possible return on his efforts. The return can be in a variety of forms – it can contribute to MAGA, Trump's personal brand, or defrosting the status quo.

He has "an attention span that's as long as it has to be". Trump knows also that "part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough" and that "sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive."


Efficient Effectiveness

80/20 Principle


7 Routes to High Profits

Achieve far more by playing InnoBall entrepreneurial simulation game



Donald Trump quotes

Sometimes your best investments are
the ones you don't make.






A to Z of Trumpformational Leadership




1 ÷ 8

Impact Crusader

Grand Vision

Personal Brand


Thinking Big




9 ÷ 16

Relentless Challenger


Charismatic Leader

Seller of Hope

Impactful Speaker

Leading by Example

Creative Destructor

High ROI

17 ÷ 24


Change Master

Rule Breaker
