Innompic Games (IG)
are the World's most useful intellectual games that
helpcreate future by boosting entrepreneurial creativity
and turning the Earth to a Planet of Loving
BRICS is the World
largest coalition of countries – both population-wise
(~50% of World population) and economy-wise (~35% of
World's economy).
Launched in 2017, annual World
Games engaged excited participants from all continents quickly.
Global, regional, national,
industry-specific, and corporate Innompic Games are conducted both on-site
and virtually.
BRICS is an intergovernmental
organization comprising Brazil,
China, South Africa, Iran,
Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United
Arab Emirates. The group was
originally formed as "BRIC" in
2006 when Brazil, Russia, India,
and China came together, and it
became "BRICS" when South Africa
joined in 2010.
Complementarity is a
relationship or situation in
which two or more different
things improve or emphasize each
other's qualities.
Complementarity refers also to
the quality or state of being
complementary, where two
different elements, strategies,
theories, or features enhance
each other when combined.
InnoBall (Innovation
Brainball) is an entrepreneurial
simulation games that helps
implement innovative ideas
Innompic Games
Innompic Games is the
intellectual 'brother' of
Olympic Games