VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Proactive Futuring

Creating future: strategies, tools, examples

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Proactive Futuring is a venturepreneurial approach to designing and creating future scenarios.





Proactive Futuring is based on futures thinking, highersight, systems thinking strategic innovation management, creation of new trends, strategic opportunities, and anticipated challenges.

  SuperCreativity Innotheus Dennis Proactive Futurist Impactful SuperInnovator as Prometheus Innompic Planet of Loving Creators Pursues Higher Sense Creates Higher Value Breaks Through Evolutionist Expands Horizons Vadim Kotelnikov Innotheus - High-Impact SuperInnovator as a Value Prometheus



Proactive Futuring differentiates leading companies from lagging ones.

Disruptive mega-innovators can create paradigm shifts and change the world.


3 Ss of High-Performing Firms

Disruptive Venturepreneur





Trend Creation Competencies





Short video

3-minute introduction to the unique KoRe course

Trend Creation Competencies

that explains how to create new trends




Background song "I Have a Difference To Make!"






Examples of Proactive Futuring



Innompic Games as a civilizational breakthrough


HUMANITY Games 'Bricks for BRICS'


Proactive Futuring quotes forge your own path, Vadim Kotelnikov



Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker creative problem solving

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Smart ones recognize change.

Smarter ones anticipate change.

Smartest ones create change.

Adopt a creative dissatisfaction mindset to start discovering opportunities for creating change and innovative solutions continually.





InnoBall is a Booster of Proactive Futuring

InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) is an entrepreneurial simulation game that helps implement innovative ideas successfully.




InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) simulation game is a success tool



Vadim Kotelnikov Wei Di Chinese journal cover

My 3-part plan for every day:

Listen up

Look around

Change the world

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Riding the wave of change is becoming the most important part of the business.

To manage change and innovate proactively,  challenge assumptions and break rules.

You must manage change proactively if you want to stand out from the competition.





Innompic Games as a Vehicle of Proactive Futuring

Innompic Games (IG) are the World's most useful intellectual games that help create future by boosting entrepreneurial creativity and turning the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators.





Launched in 2017,  annual World Innompic Games engaged excited participants from all continents quickly.

Global, regional, national,  industry-specific, and corporate Innompic Games are conducted both on-site and virtually.

  BRICS Innompic Games - 10 Keys to Success



Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer



Be Entrepreneurial and Make A Difference!

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Dare to be an Innotheus – a high-impact superinnovator who acts as a Value Prometheus, drives progress, and creates a greater future for the global society.





Proactive Futurist as a Change Leader




Change Management - 3 Phases, 3 Masteries: Leader, Harmony Master Leadership e-Coach Harmony Master Leading Change Waltz Up  with Everything Emfographics Creative Destruction Emfographics Create Change Change Management - 3 Phases, 3 Masteries: Leader, Harmony Master  

As a successful proactive futurist, you must:

① Initiate change;

② Mobilize and align efforts;

③ Anchor change.

* * *

To be able to do so, you must learn 3 masteries: Master of Creative Destruction, Master of Leading Change, and Master of Harmony.