Vadim Kotelinkov on Cuases of Joint Venture Failure

Joint Ventures

Most Common Causes of Failure

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Research indicates that over 50% of all international joint ventures fail or are not characterized by their founders as "very successful".

The most common causes of failure cited by CEOs are:

Cultural differences (49%

Poor or unclear leadership (49%)

Poor integration process (46%)


Enemies of Business

Loosing Organization

Cross-Cultural Differences

Difficulties Faced by Joint Ventures




Cultural Differences

Ideological and cultural differences top the list. In evaluating joint venture partners, most companies don’t perform a proper compatibility and integration analysis. Neither make they a thorough evaluation of corporate culture and management style. As a result, they fail to find a way to blend their differences, which makes their joint ventures unstable..




Poor Leadership

Poor or unclear leaders is another top reason of joint venture failure.

Too often, joint venture partners insist on sharing a project leadership role. When the parties disagree, a standoff occurs. If the parties don’t agree from the very beginning who will have day-to-day operational control of the project and how fundamental decision will be made, the JV is bound to fail.


Self-Assessment of a Project Leader

Ask Learning SWOT Questions

Conflict Resolution in Business

Win-Win Conflict Resolution




Insufficient Planning

Insufficient planning is also one of the most prevalent reasons for failed joint ventures. Too often, a joint venture “plan” consists of nothing more than a statement of each party’s intended contributions to the project and their respective share of the profits. This seldom works.

What the Plan Should Include

If the parties wish their joint venture to succeed, they should agree to a comprehensive written plan upfront. The philosophy governing expectations and objectives of the joint venture should be clear.

The plan should include provisions for future contributions, risk reduction, logistical issues, governance of the joint venture, dispute resolution, ownership of jointly-developed assets, including intellectual property. The term and termination of the joint venture, including provisions for winding up its business should also be included in the plan.



Vadim Kotelinkov on Cuases of Joint Venture Failure

If you don't manage expectations of your partners then their expectations will manage you.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Other Failure Reasons

Other reasons of joint venture failure include poor commitment; disagreement over operating policies, strategies, and tactics; and differences in the approach towards management style and systems.

In particular, Hewitt lists these factors that contribute to the poor track record of international joint ventures:

▪ Conflict over delegation of decision-making to the local joint venture management by a foreign partner which sees the JV operations as only a small part of the global picture and is trying to maximize profits globally, while the local partner is trying to maximize profits locally.

▪ Disagreement between the partners over operating policies, strategies, and tactics in the local market.

▪ Differences in the approach of each partner towards management style (decision-making, communication, delegation, and so on) and systems (performance management, accounting, control, and so on)


Benefits of Joint Ventures

Forming a Successful Joint Venture (JV): Factors To Be Considered

Model MoU

Business Plan of a Joint Venture

Governing Structure of a Joint Venture

HR Strategies

HR Actions

4Ps of Good Partnerships

Win-Win Mindset

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