Achievement Principles
and Winning Habits




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier


Venturepreneurs believe in unbelievable, imagine unimaginable, and achieve impossible.
Disruptive innovators have to navigate through the valley of death, but everything which doesn't kill venturepreneurs makes them stronger.





Creative Achiever

8 Winning Habits





To create wonders, find and do what you love to do.

Create an inspiring vision and start moving toward your BIG dream.

  Venturepreneur how to change the world VadiK Vadim Kotelnikov quotes



Remember, there is no failure, only feedback.

Look for opportunities everywhere; solve problems creatively.

  Venturepreneur positive mindset as a key to success VadiK quotes


Everything Which Doesn't Kill Entrepreneurs Makes Them Stronger  

Make decisions quickly: define values and weighted guiding principles; know what matters; use fast decision making techniques.




Learn forward continually; look at every situation from different angles, ask learning SWOT questions.

  Best learning quote stop creating history and become history KoRe



Strive to make people happier; love everybody and be a loving creator; create greater value for people around you; be a source of inspiration for others, help them shine; seek cooperation, not competition; think Win-Win.

  Venturepreneurs - Innompic Games Planet of Loving Creators


Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) inspirational speaker business trainer,

Failure is a friend of a homo thinking
and an
enemy of a homo emotional.


Be  brave and
never give up. Treat every setback as a starting point of a wiser journey towards you vision. Find the difference that makes the difference and jump in!






8 Winning Habits





  Love your customers, strive to make their life as happy as possible.  >>>

Be different and make a difference! Create radical value innovations.

Evaluate ideas quickly and start experimenting with them.

Passion for customers quotes Vadim Kotelnikov



  Create a guiding structure before embracing improvisation >>>

Problems are opportunities, noble failures are steps to success >>>

Everything can and should be improved – search for opportunities.

INNOBALL Radical Innovation process Prepare to Win Vadim Kotelnikov training



Address customer feedback as the main vehicle to customer success. Empathise and partner with your customers, involve them as co-innovators.

Team success is more important than personal success.

Radical innovation partnership Vadim Kotelnikov quote