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Love your customers, strive to make their life as happy as possible.  >>>

Be different and make a difference! Create radical value innovations.  >>>




Evaluate ideas quickly and start experimenting with them.  >>>

  Create a guiding structure before embracing improvisation. Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book  >>>

OUTSTANDING INNOPRENEUR by Vadim Kptelnikov Innompic e-book PowerPoint download




Problems are opportunities, noble failures are steps to success.  >>>

Everything can and should be improved – search for opportunities.  >>>

INNOBALL Radical Innovation process Prepare to Win Vadim Kotelnikov training



Address customer feedback as the main vehicle to customer success. Empathise and partner with your customers, involve them as co-innovators.  >>>

Team success Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book is more important than personal success.  >>>

Radical innovation partnership Vadim Kotelnikov quote


 Vadim Kotelonikov innovaton guru author Innoball founder Innompic Games business trainer