



The Art of Life & Business

Keep creating masterpieces passionately





Aristotle wisdom quotes thinking life knowledge, education

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.



Niccolò Paganini quotes

The true artist doesn't create art,

but discovers it within himself.

Niccolò Paganini


Anton Chekhov - quotes by the most famous playwright, Russian theatre

If you want to work on your art, work on your life.

Anton Chekhov


Statislavski advice

Love the art in yourself and not yourself in the art.

Konstantin Stanislavsky


Steve Jobs advice quotes

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works.

Steve Jobs


Dennis Kotelnikov Mister Innovation World award winner

Create 360! Be super-creative! Think creatively, act creatively, live creatively, grow creatively!




The Art of Singing: Be the Song - Dennis Kotelnikov


The three masteries of the performing artist are:

① Mastery of Love

② Mastery of Transformation

③ Mastery of Performance.



The Art of Innovation: Innompic Games as a Creation Show  

Innompic Games are a harmonious mega-innovation and a creation show.

Innompic challenge-based contests inspire entrepreneurial creativity and teach the art of innovation holistically – A-to-Z/360.





The Art of Leadership




The Art of Leadership by Vadim Kotelnikov, innovation guru  

Leadership is the art of creating powerful human currents moving creatively and enthusiastically in the right direction.

"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it," said Dwight D. Eisenhower.