

Glossary Entrepreneurship





Entrepreneurial Shakti

The power of a victorious entrepreneur


Entrepreneurial Shakti e-Coach Victorious Entrepreneur SuperConscious Vadim Kotelnikov: Coaching by Examples Vadim Kotelnikov, innovation guru 3F of Innompic Games Burning Desire Entrepreneurial Action Enthusiasm Knowledge Entrepreneurial Shakti - the power of a victorious entrepreneur



In Hinduism, 'Shakti' is 'Universal Power' that underlies and sustains all existence.





Entrepreneurial Shakti has five faces. It manifests as:

① the power to be superconscious,

② the power to feel enthusiasm,

③ the power of burning desire,

④ the power to know, and

⑤ the power to act.

  Entrepreneurial Shakti - the power of a victorious entrepreneur


Entrepreneurial Attributes 6x6 Drivers of a Noble Entrepreneur Entrepreneurial Vision Innovation is Love VadiK Innovative Victor Entrepreneur Entrepreneur Entrepreneurial Strategies Entrepreneurial Creativity Execution Dennis Emfographics: Entrepreneur Innovative Victor Entrepreneurial Shakti - attributes of a successful entrerpeneur  

How To Activate Shakti

Engaging in creative activities that inspire and uplift you is a powerful way to connect with Shakti. Whether it's entrepreneurship, innovation, proactive futuring, art, music, writing or any other form of self-expression, creativity allows you to tap into your inner energy and flow.




Shakti is a concept with multiple meanings, but it generally refers to the dynamic energy responsible for the creation and maintenance of the universe.

Entrepreneurial Shakti can turn a highersighted and daring impact crusader with a global mindset to a world-changing Harmony MegaInnovator.

  Entrepreneurial Journey as Dance - waltz up with everything


Burning Belief - how to achieve impossible, Dennis Kotelnikov  

Entrepreneurial Shakti is
the Entrepreneurial Energy,
the Entrepreneurial Fire,
the Entrepreneurial Power.

Shakti is also known as the personified energy or power of a male deity, and is often identified as the consort of the god Shiva.



Vadim Kotelnikov, innovation guru, inspirational speaker

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Coaching by Example

Mission-driven Innovator

Impact Innovator

Harmony Innovator

UX Innovator

Proactive Futurist

Blue-Ocean Innovator




Challenges reveal our hidden capabilities.

Nothing is impossible when true passion, burning desire, creativity, can-do attitude, work, and commitment all become one.

Action is the difference that makes the difference.

  Venture and Venturing - risks and entrepreneurial shakti




Shakti Manifestation

Shakti Manifestation is an ancient energetic healing technique. Prioritising self-care is essential for nurturing your body, mind and entrepreneurial spirit.


Entrepreneurial Strength


Harmony Master