Vadim Kotelnikov  

9 Maxims of Venturing







Venturepreneur: 9 Maxims o Venturing  

I formulated these 9 maxims of venturing for aspiring venturepreneurs.

Those who have an experience in launching a venture have already learned them by doing.

Venturepreneurs grow stronger by overcoming these challenges.




"No plan survives first contact with the enemy," said Carl von Clausewitz.

The three main types of enemies of a venture are:

1. Fuzziness; 2. Resistance; 3. Counterattacks.


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KoRe 9 Maxims of Venturing


Stand Out


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No idea survives first contact with reality.

No plan survives first contact with the implementation.

No venture design survives first contact with the stakeholders.




No change initiative survives first contact with the comfort zone of the target audience.

No business model survives first contact with a major resistance or a counterattack.

No competitive strategy survives first contact with the competition.



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No marketing plan survives first contact with the market.

No selling proposition survives first contact with the customer.

No winner survives the first contact with the giving-up.





The Best Way To Address These Challenges





The Power of Burning Desire and Burning Belief

Burning desire backed by burning belief knows no such word as 'impossible'. It ensures that you continue your commitment to see your purpose through, will never give up, continue getting up stronger after falling forward, maintain your relentless-growth attitude, and continue being productively creative, entrepreneurial and victorious.


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Achieve Impossible

Turn Failures to Opportunities

Never Give Up



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Maxim is a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct.





"Failure forward" is a concept that encourages individuals and organizations to learn from their failures instead of viewing them as setbacks.

Venture is an undertaking involving chance, risk, or danger.

Venturing means undertaking a risky or daring journey into a terra incognita.





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  Vadim Kotelnikov author of rapid-learning courses life, thinking, creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation, business, marketing

Innovative Entrepreneur