





Impact Crusader





Impact Crusader is an inpowered missionary value creator who makes the world better.

Impact Crusaders are willing to put their mission before themselves. They are change makers whose inspiring fire inside burns much brighter than discouraging fires around them.

  Impact Crusader



Impact Crusaders are inspired, motivated, creative, inpowered, entrepreneurial, and audacious individuals or organizations dedicated to creating positive social, economic, or environmental change. They are magnets for users, partners and value-creation opportunities.

What sets impact crusaders apart from other crusaders is their mindset of a loving creator and focus on vision, mission, purpose, and outstanding value innovation.

What differentiates impact crusaders from the vast majority is highersight and a burning desire to create an outstanding positive impact that makes the world better. Noble intent is an admirable quality of an impact crusader who is unselfish, virtuous, morally excellent, leads by example, and demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior.

There are global and local impact crusaders.


Loving Creator

Anthem of Creative Sustainability Leaders

You Can Fly!

Innovation is Love

Be Super Passionate About Your Crusade

Higher Self

Higher Creativity


Proactive Futuring


Holistic Creativity




Global Impact Crusaders





Global Impact Crusaders are highersighted and super-creative harmonious mega-innovators who create an amazing value and new trends by breaking outdated man-made rules but staying in harmony with eternal laws of the Universe.

Examples of Global Impact Crusaders:
Innompic Games  ▪  Donald Trump  ▪  Innotheus


Impact Innovation

Value Innovation


Innopreneurial Journey

Harmonious Business




Innompic Games vs. Olympic Games VadiK founder new world new games


Innompic Planet of Loving Creators Loving Creator Holistic Thinking: Tree Model Vadim Kotelnikov Passion for Customers Passion for Work Mission Learning Innovations Vision Simulating Value Innovation Creations Experimentation Values Inventing Discovery Exploring White Marketng Partnerships Rewards Loving Creartor,  Impact Crusader  

The Loving-Creator super-attitude inpoweres people tremendously.

It nourishes their highersight, super-conscious thinking and divine super-creativity.

It makes relentless creation of harmonious value innovations a natural way of living.




Donald Trump

Donald Trump is an impact crusader and a relentless difference maker who strives to change the world. He is a  disruptive change maker who loves challenges and loves winning.



Trumpformational Leadership





Innotheus (Innovation Prometheus) is a global impact crusader focused on creation of breakthrough mega-innovations that make the world better in harmonious and sustainable way.

  SuperCreativityInnotheusDennis Proactive Futurist Impactful SuperInnovator as PrometheusInnompic Planet of Loving Creators Pursues Higher Sense Creates Higher ValueBreaks ThroughEvolutionistExpands HorizonsVadim Kotelnikov Innotheus - High-Impact SuperInnovator as Innovation Leader



Local Impact Crusaders





Local Impact Crusaders are focused, act and create sustainable value locally. They are often involved in advocacy, activism, or community service, aiming to address significant issues and drive meaningful action within their communities or beyond.


Sustainable Business

Green Entrepreneurship

Inclusive Company





The Power of Burning Desire and Burning Belief


Great Achiever




Burning desire backed by burning belief knows no such word as 'impossible'. It ensures that you continue your commitment to see your purpose through, will never give up, continue getting up stronger after falling forward, maintain your relentless-growth attitude, and continue being productively creative, entrepreneurial and victorious.

  Impact Crusader: Burning Desire



Business Crusade

A great business cause – if turned to a crusade – provides a meaning, turns employees to impact crusaders, inspires them to give their best to the company, and address the 9 Maxims of Venturing successfully.


Achieve Impossible

Launch a Business Crusade

Examples of Business Causes





Be a Magnet for Prospects

Be a magnet for opportunities, partners, and prospects.

Charismatic leaders use their charisma to inspire others to follow them and join their change journey.

Building a strong brand is also highly important: The greater impact you create the greater your brand appeal – and vice versa – the greater your brand appeal the greater impact you can create.


Leaders Sell Dream, Hope, Self

Brand Appeal

Love Your Customers

Amaze Customers

Customer-driven Innovation




How To Management Change Successfully