VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

360-degree Assessment

Self-assessment and Corporate Exercise

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

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Holistic 360-degree Self-Assessment  

360 Self-Assessment

The two main benefits of 360 self-assessment are:

Better self-awareness






Vadim Kotelnikov    

360-Degree Assessment

Multi-rater Assessment by Supervisors, Peers, Subordinates, and Customers




360-Degree Employee Evaluation

Getting feedback and appraisals from:





Two Kinds of 360-Degree Assessments

  1. Personality Assessment: HOW you do things; measures character and personality traits

  2. Competency Assessment: WHAT you do; measures discrete, work-related skills such as planning, organizing, staff development, teamwork, or performance feedback.


Measuring Performance

Performance Measurement System  >>  Balanced Scorecard

GE Leadership Assessment Survey (LES)

Managing Performance

Coaching Organization    Energizing Employees

Employee Empowerment  >>  10 Steps To Empowerment

Creative Leadership    Inspirational Leadership    Superleadership

Monsanto: Behavioral Change Program 'Core 32'




1. The Centerless Corporation, Bruce A.Pasternack and Albert. J. Viscio

2. The Achievement Paradox, Ronald A. Warren

360-Degree Assessment

The 360-degree assessments are commonly used in corporations in management and leadership development programs.

Leadership-Management Synergy 

In 360-degree assessment, the participant completes a self-assessment and also collects feedback from supervisors, peers, subordinates and customer (or sometimes vendors).  

Benefits of 360-Degree Assessment

The 360 feedback gives employees a deep understanding of their strengths and areas to develop. The advantage of 360-degree assessments is that you are able to compare your self-perceptions with feedback that shows how others – supervisors, peers, subordinates and customers perceive you.

"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." ~ Bill Gates

Studies show that work performance improves when people receive 360-degree assessment feedback, and learning-type individuals who have the greatest skill or personality deficits benefit the most. 

Community Feedback – a Simplified Version of 360 Feedback

"Community feedback" is a simplified version of 360 evaluation and feedback in which a small group of three to five people are selected by the manager and the employee to provide feedback.