Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker creative problem solving

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Every change has to deal barriers and resistance, both human and organizational.

If you want to overcome resistance to change and lead change successfully, you must not only pursue your vision, but also be aware of the barriers you'll face and know how to deal with them.




To manage change effectively, start with identifying all enemies of change – both human-related and workplace-related.

Separate the human issues from the business issues as much as possible.

Next, design strategies for overcoming resistance to change, including behavioral change, and simulate their implementation.

  Barriers to Change and How To Manage Change Successfully



Human Barriers to Change





Lack of Leadership – when change fails to occur as planned, the cause if often to be found at a deeper level, rooted in the inappropriate mindsets, behavior, beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions of would-be change leaders.


Why Leaders Fail: 12 Main Causes

Why Change Fails




Managers, who are confident that they are smart and in control and their anger over real or perceived loss of power and control are often the biggest barriers to change.

Human systems seek homeostasis and equilibrium, i.e. prefer a predictable, stable world and don't encourage behavioral change.

Lack of creative dissatisfaction with the status quo.




Personal cost of change – threat to personal interests; loss felt by the people in the organization when change occurs; discomfort with doing things differently, resentment over increased workload, fear of job loss, and generalized anxiety about the unknown.

"Not invented here" syndrome.


Know Your Inner Enemies

Enemies of Effective Thinking

Winners vs. Losers




Organizational Barriers to Change





Established, bureaucratic, highly structured ways of working, depriving the organization of the sensitivity, agility and nuance.

Non-questioning risk-averse culture.

Poor communication with diverse groups and individuals


9 Signs of a Losing Organization

Organizational Change
