Successful Practices: Culture for Innovation

Questioning Culture of Toyota





Toyota Motor Corporation has become one of the world’s greatest companies because of the Toyota Production System (TPS). This proprietary manufacturing system was developed by Toyota to enhance production efficiency and quality.

TPS enables the Japanese giant to make the planet’s best automobiles at the lowest cost and to develop new products quickly.


Toyota Production System (TPS)

7 Principles

Just in Time (JIT)


Lean vs. Others

5-Why Questions




One of the core principles of TPS is the concept of "Genchi Genbutsu," which means "Go And See for Yourself." This encourages employees at all levels to ask 5-Why questions to understand the root causes of problems, and collaboratively find solutions. By focusing on the involvement of every team member, Toyota aims for sustainable growth and positive outcomes.




Toyota thrives on cross-functional management, teamwork and collaboration.

Toyota's culture emphasizes the importance of collaboration, innovation, high quality, and organizational learning, rooted in principles that mirror some aspects of traditional Japanese culture but also possess unique characteristics specific to Toyota.

The company's focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion is integral to its operations, fostering a cohesive environment where all employees are connected and contribute to the overall success.

Toyota's culture encouraging all employees to contribute their ideas and input. This culture fosters an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing mistakes and challenges they encounter, which is crucial for innovation and continuous improvement.


Toyota Way

Toyota's 10 Management Principles

Toyota's Culture

Toyota's 7-Step Approach to Problem Solving


Competitive Advantages of Japanese Firms

Japanese Proverbs


Zen Proverbs



Zen proverbs

Where there is great doubt, there will be great awakening; small doubt, small awakening, no doubt, no awakening.

Zen proverb



In Toyota's culture, leaders help employees grow. They do so by asking questions that stimulate thinking and problem-solving among their teams.

This approach is a key component of the company's continuous improvement (Kaizen) journey, Kaizen culture, radical improvements (Kaikaku), innovation, and maintaining high standards of quality and efficiency.

The Toyota's questioning culture fosters an environment where every employee feels empowered to ask effective questions and contribute to the company's success.


Questioning Culture

Successful Practices

Question-based Management

Types of Questions

'Why? What If?' Questions

Learning SWOT Questions