

Glossary: Economy





Harmonious Economy (HE)

Definition  ▪  Attributes  ▪  Drivers  ▪  Champions




Vadim Kotelnikov

Sustainable Economy is good.

Circular Economy is better.

Harmonious Economy is the best.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Harmony Harmony vs. Sustainability Circular Economy Harmonious Development Harmonious Growth Harmony Innovation Harmony MegaInnovator Harmonious Economy Vadim Kotelnikov as a Harmony Innovator Universal Laws Balanced Systems Sustainability Creative Collaboration Social Equity Harmonious Economy, Harmony MegaInnovation  

Harmonious Economy is a model of economic development that emphasizes harmonious growth, positivity, sustainability, harmony innovation, social equity, creative collaboration, balanced systems, and adherence to universal laws.



Mozart quote on genius and love

If only the whole world could feel the power of harmony.




Harmonious Economy is a tool of Harmonious Development that delights, inspires, improves wellbeing and quality of life, nourishes peace, joy and creative collaboration.

Harmonious Economy is a step up from Circular Economy, and two steps up from Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

  Circular Economy is a step to Harmonious Development



Specific Attributes of a Harmonious Economy

As an instrument to bring about benefit and harmony to all humankind and our Planet, Harmonious Economy is a highersight-based holistic approach to strategic development that nourishes a higher world and stays in harmony with the Universal Laws.
Harmonious Growth Vadim Kotelnikov as a harmony innovator Universal Laws Harmony MegaInnovator Waltz up with everything All-Inclusive Love Harmonious Economy, Harmonious Growth, Harmony Innovation
Harmonious Economy is driven by harmony mega-innovators, holistic leaders, and the global community of loving creators. All-inclusive love and global empathy are their specific character traits. Harmonious innovation and harmonious business designs are their strategic tools.

Harmonious Economy is often contrasted with traditional capitalist frameworks. It is focused on the well-being of individuals and communities while fostering a cooperative approach to economic activities.

Harmonious Economy is a response to contemporary challenges facing humanity and the planet, incorporating global unity, harmonious mega-innovation, new energies, and better evaluations of economic success. Adherence to universal laws refers to the commitment to principles or rules that are considered universally valid and applicable to all entities.




Harmonious Innovation & Harmony Innovation




Hierarchy of Innovation Innovation e-Coach Harmonious Innovation Harmony Innovation Waltz Up with Everything Soft and Hard Innovation Tactical Innovation Sustainability Innovation Impact Innovation Functional Invention Value Innovation Strategic Innovation Radial Incremental Cross-functional Systemic Holistic Innovation Scale of Innovation Harmonious Economy and Harmony Innovation  

Harmonious Innovation is the main driver of Harmonious Economy.

Harmonious MegaInnovation is a large-scale complex venture that impacts lots of people. It  is transformational but stays in harmony with the Universal laws and established social systems.



Harmony Innovation and Harmonious Economy  

Harmony Innovation is the top of the harmonious innovation tree – it is focused on creation of higher-level innovative harmonies in the target entity.

At the macro-level, harmony innovation may target a city, a region, a country, an industry, a global alliance, a movement, or the world at large.