
VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Harmony Mega-Innovator

Lead global harmonious innovation

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Sustainable Economy is good.

Circular Economy is better.

Harmonious Economy is the best.







Leading Harmonious Growth




Harmonious Mega-Innovation - definition, features, KoRe examples  

Harmony Mega-Innovator (HarMI) is a highersighted global thinker and an inventive impactpreneur who creates huge-scale innovative value and fosters harmonious growth in a creative, holistic, systemic and lasting way for a mega-audience (a large and diverse group of users, often in the millions).




Mega-innovator is visionary, highersighted, super-passionate, and proactive individual driving large-scale, transformational innovations or complex ventures that change the world and impact millions of people across various fields.


Myself as a World Changer

Donald Trump as a Mega-Innovator



SuperCreativityInnotheusDennisProactive FuturistImpactful SuperInnovator as PrometheusInnompic Planet of Loving CreatorsPursues Higher SenseCreates Higher ValueBreaks ThroughEvolutionistExpands HorizonsVadim Kotelnikov Innotheus - High-Impact SuperInnovator as a Value Prometheus  

Harmony mega-innovators use a holistic development process that puts the well-being of people, organizations and our planet at the centre of innovative strategies and entrepreneurial actions aimed at designing and building a better and sustainable future.




What Harmony MegaInnovators Do





As mission-driven innovators, proactive futurists, holistic thinkers, and high-impact superinnovators, Harmony MegaInnovators:

create higher-level innovative harmonies;

▪ drive progress;

▪ create impactful real-world value;

▪ make significant contributions to innovative advancements on a global scale.


Strategic Creativity


Higher Creativity

Holistic Creativity

Innovation is Love

Love the World

Love Your Consumers



Harmony Harmony vs. Sustainability Circular Economy Harmonious Development Harmonious Growth Harmony Innovation Harmony MegaInnovator Harmonious Economy Vadim Kotelnikov as a Harmony Innovator Universal Laws Balanced Systems Sustainability Creative Collaboration Social Equity Harmony MegaInnovatior and Harmonious Economy  

Harmonious Development is about designing, creating, growing, and maintaining innovative harmonies in the whole and the parts.

Harmonious Economy is a step up from Circular Economy, and two steps up from Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).





Specific Traits of Harmony MegaInnovators





Harmony MegaInnovators are
mission-driven loving creators who:

▪ are driven by a noble global mission and pursue an all-inclusive global vision;

▪ are superpassionate about creating great innovative value for all people;

▪ have global mindset, feel global empathy, developed world intelligence;

▪ know how to innovate proactively and productively while staying in harmony with the laws of the Universe and the Mother Nature;

▪ know how to combine, synergize and harmonize smaller innovations to design and create holistic effectively efficient mega-solutions;

▪ are strategic, entrepreneurial, inclusive and culturally intelligent leaders;

▪ know how to inspire and attract early adopters of harmony megainnovations.


Harmonious Innovation

Mission-driven Innovation

Sustainability Innovation

Coaching by Example

My 10-3-1 Strengths

Mission-driven Innovator

Impact Innovator

Harmony Innovator

UX Innovator

Proactive Futurist

Blue-Ocean Innovator

Innovation Guru



Vadim Kotelnikov, harmony innovator, founder of Innompic Games

There are millions of ways to tell all people and our Planet,
'I love you!'

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Strive to make the World better – you will awaken your inner genius, become a harmony master, grow wiser, and discover your divine passion and your true higher self as you go.




3 Ways to Develop a Global Mindset

① Practice global empathy until it becomes a habit

② Grow your world intelligence

③ Keep making the world better

  Global Mindset, Vadim Kotelnikov harmonious mega-innovator




The Song of Loving Harmony MegaInnovators