
VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Harmonious Development

as a step up from sustainable development

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Sustainability and Harmony, Harmonious Development  

Sustainable Development is about meeting our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Harmonious Development is about designing, creating, growing, and maintaining harmonies in the whole and the parts.





Harmonious Development is focused on empowering harmony innovators and creation of enablers and systems that nourish harmonious growth, holistic innovation, and sustainable development.


Harmonious Innovation

Harmony Innovation



Harmonious Development and harmony innovatoion  

Harmonious Development creates an environment where joyful collaboration, loving relationships, unity, peace, and balance thrive.

It is also about noble proactive futuring – it takes care about creating empowering platforms that would help future generations to grow harmoniously.




Harmony vs. Sustainability





Sustainability survives. Harmony flourishes. It is a state where different well-being and growth elements come together harmoniously. It is a well-balanced development journey that breaks outdated man-made rules to create strategic value innovations, but stays in harmony with the Laws of the Universe.

Sustainability meets the needs of people. Harmony delights people. Absence of harmony can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction in life, while presence of harmony fosters positive experiences and a sense of well-being. Harmony delights people in all contexts that include nature, music, relationships, growth, and development.

Sustainability focuses on satisfying needs. Harmony creates great advancements and experiences. It is much more than satisfying needs. Harmony inspires happiness, joy, and excitement.

The Music of Sustainability is created using three notes - economic, social and environmental. The Symphony of Harmony is created using the full set of notes.


Harmonious Mega-Innovation


Harmonious Business

Holistic Innovation

Holistic Creativity

Coaching by Example

Mission-driven Innovator

Impact Innovator

Harmony Innovator

UX Innovator

Proactive Futurist

Blue-Ocean Innovator

Innovation Guru