VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Disruptive Success is
99% Failure Forward

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker creative problem solving

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier


Let's accept it – results of venturepreneurial experiments are next--to-impossible to predict because they are steps into a terra incognita. We have to deal with never-seen-before situations.




9 Maxims of Venturing Dennis e-Coach Vadim Venture Planning Checklist Venture Design Change Inititative Winner Business Model Strategy Marketing Plan Customer Value Proposition Learn an Benefit for Competitors How To Overcome Resistance to Change Create Custoers How To Sell to Sixx Thinking Hats Implementations Create Your Own Market Niche Winners vs. Losers Idea Feedback as a stepping-strone to success Comfort Zone How To Address 9 Maxims of Venturing Enemies of a Startup Company 9 Maxims of Venturing Venture Management startup rules Vadim Kotelnikov Dennis




"No plan survives first contact with the enemy," said Carl von Clausewitz.

The three main types of enemies of a venture are:

1. Fuzziness; 2. Resistance; 3. Counterattacks.


5 Risks Faced by Startup Firms

10 Rules for a Successful Startup




Jump in!

Failing forward... What have you learned to succeed even more?

With the mindset of 'failing forward' you can turn every failure into a stepping stone for success in the future. Many companies do.


Freedom to Fail

Noble Failure



Virtuous Spiral





Disruptive success is 99% failure forward




One World One Way Many Paths cultural differences East vs. West  

See farther by standing on "the shoulders of giants"


On the soulders of giants


Lao Tzu advice quotes teachings

Failure is the foundation of success,
and the means by which it is achieved.

Lao Tzu


Dale Carnegie quotes

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.



Soichiro Honda quotes

Success is 99% failure.

Soichiro Honda


Henry Ford advice

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again,
this time more intelligently.

Henry Ford


Thomas Edison advice quotes invention discovery

I have not failed 700 times. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.

Thomas Edison


Albert Einstein quotes

I think 99 times and find nothing.

I stop thinking, and the truth comes to me.



Michael Dell advice

Encourage people to take risk. Make sure that people aren't afraid of the possibility of failure, do a lot of experiments and learn from failures.

Michael Dell





There Is No Failure, Only Feedback

To err is human. If there is no mistake, there is no initiative. Not to admit a mistake or a failure is a sign of weakness.

Remember always the NLP presupposition: "There is no failure, only feedback."

Through mistakes to success – that's really what experience means. Mistakes can be your most effective teacher. "Just like a great building stands on a strong foundation, so does success. And the foundation of success is attitude."


Experimentation with Business Opportunities

Be a Winner

Prepare to Win

Can-Do Attitude

Waltz Up with Everything

Ask Learning SWOT Questions