Dare to go forward and
act with audacity
Act Boldly in Every Situation
In my experience, any virtue translated into
action leads almost invariably to positive results. This applies to
persistence, courtesy,
love and courage. I’ve always liked the advice of an
old man to his grandson. “Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your
aid.” |
Take a Leap of Faith
Perhaps the most obviously important part of
courage is the
courage to step out in the face of
uncertainty. Every
venture in the history of man has begun with faith and a giant leap into the
unknown. General Douglas MacArthur said, “There is no
security in life, only
opportunity.” The creed of Frederick The Great, one
of history’s most successful leaders was, “Audacity, audacity-always
Launch With No Guarantees
A 12-year study of
successful entrepreneurs conducted by Babson College concluded that the
only thing they had in common was the willingness to launch, to
step out in
faith. Once they had started, they
learned the lessons they needed to
succeed. Many of them ending up
successful in completely different
businesses from where they started.
Action Exercises
Here are two ways to develop greater boldness
in your work and personal life.
First, just do it! Step out in faith! If you
think of some action you can take to improve your life, give it a try. You
may be surprised.
Second, when in doubt, act with audacity.
Audacity may get you into trouble but even more audacity will get you out.
Go for it!
It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
it's the size of the fight in the dog. |
Mark Twain |