Jack Welch advice business quotes  

  Lessons from Business Legends


Jack Welch



25 Lessons from Jack Welch


Stretch your business strategy

Stretch yourself

Keep stretching


25 Lessons from Jack Welch Managerial Leadership Leadership-Management Synergy Jack Welch success story and quotes Lead Manage Less Articulate Your Vision Simplify Get Less Formal Energize Others Face Reality See Change as an Opportunitiy Get Good Ideas from Everywhere Follow Up Balanced Organization: 5 Basic Elements Get Rid of Bureaucracy Eliminate Boundaries Put Values First Create Learning Culture Harness Your People for Competitive Advantage Involve Everyone Make Everybody a Team Player Stretch Instill Confidence Make Business Fun Strategies of Market Leaders Be Number 1 or Number 2 Live Quality Constantly Focus on Innovation Small Company Ten3 BUSINESS e-COACH: global success Live Speed Cultivate Leaders Great Business Leader 25 Lessons from Jack Welch, GE - Stretch!


Jack Welch advice business quotes

Stretch! We have found that by reaching for what appears to be the impossible, we often actually do the impossible.

Jack Welch



Subconscious Thinking - how to think much faster and better  

Stretch is a goal or challenge that is significantly beyond the organization's current performance level.

"We have found that by reaching for what appears to be the impossible, we often actually do the impossible; and even when we don't quite make it, we inevitably wind up doing much better than we would have done."





Stretch your business strategy

Stretching means exceeding goals. "Don't ever settle for mediocrity. The key to stretch is to reach for more than you think is possible. Don't sell yourself short by thinking that you'll fail." Do the best possible – and then reach beyond. Stretch "essentially means using dreams to set business targets – with no real idea of how to get there. If you do know how to get there – it's not a stretch target."

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Subconscious Thinking - how to think much faster and better  

Stretch Yourself

Don't be satisfied with the best you can now and the best you think you can do.

Stretch yourself! The higher you aim, the more you are likely to achieve. Back up your stretch goals with ambitious self-development to ensure complete success. Develop self-motivation by reaching for the skies.




Jack Welch advice business quotes

The idea flow from the human spirit is absolutely unlimited. All you have to do is tap into that well.

Jack Welch




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Jack Welch advice business quotes

Dreams are exciting; decimal points aren't.

Jack Welch




Encourage daring actions

Ask managers and employees to reach for their dreams. Stretching "allows people reach for the goal. And people are getting more and more comfortable with the idea that you get the best out of people not by fighting budgets, which are all about minimal numbers, but by getting people to do the best they can, and measuring their progress toward it – against last year, against what competitors are doing."

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Jack Welch advice business quotes

Leaders inspire people with clear visions of how things can be done better.

Jack Welch




Reward daring action

Reward business leaders even for falling short of a stretched goal. Punishing for falling short of a stretch goal is counterproductive. If the company aimed at 15 and made 12, celebrate. What's critical is setting the performance bar high enough; otherwise, it's impossible to find out what people can do.



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Don't sit still. Anybody sitting still, you can guarantee they're going to get their legs knocked out from under them.

Jack Welch




Keep stretching

Don't be as good as you have to be; be as good as you can be. Set a stretch target and start moving towards it – fast! As soon as you become sure you can do it, it's time for another stretch.

  Stretch Head of Growth fast company



Don't abuse stretch

For stretch to be effective it should be tied to the overall business strategy so that it turns that strategy into a specific issue that employees can accomplish.


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Stretching forces you to do stuff you wouldn't otherwise do.

Make sure that you do the right stuff.

Think outside the box but stick to your commitments as well.




Jack Welch advice business quotes

The 3Ss of winning in business are

Speed, Self-confidence, and Simplicity

Jack Welch




"Speed, simplicity and self-confidence are closely intertwined. By simplifying the organization and instilling confidence, you create the foundation for an organization that incorporates speed into the fabric of the company."

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