Leadership as a Multidimensional Phenomenon

Leadership is not limited just to singular measure of effectiveness – it is a multidimensional phenomenon.

"A distinction about popular art and great art is the many (and deeper) levels of meaning to be found in the latter." ~ James O'Toole




Key Feature of Values-based Leadership

Values-based leadership is different from other modes in that it includes all the three factors:

Effectivenessmeasuring the achievement of the objectives

Moralitymeasuring how change affects concerned parties, and

Timemeasuring the desirability of any goal over the long term

Values-based leadership is not simply about a Style, how-to, following some recipe, or even mastering "the Vision thing". Instead, it is about ideas, values, and  understanding the different and conflicting needs of followers, energizing followers to pursue a goal than they had never thought possible.

Synergy Results-based Leadership Steve Jobs (success story) Values-based Leadership

"In practical business terms, values-based leadership is about creating conditions under which all followers can perform independently and effectively toward a single objective," says James O'Toole, the author of Leading Change.

Jack Welch advice business quotes

Put values first. Don't focus too much on the numbers. Focus more on the softer values of building a team, sharing ideas, exciting others.

Jack Welch



Steve Jobs advice quotes

The only thing that works is management by values. Find really bright people who care exactly about the same things you care about.

Steve Jobs