Lead Yourself, Subordinates, Peers, and Boss




Vadim Kotelnikov Self-Leadership Self-Development Self-Leadership, stretch yourself How To Sell Your Ideas To Decision Makers 12 Leadership Roles Results-based Leadership Superleadership Leadership e-Coach Leader 360 Lateral Leadership Horizontal Leadership Leading Up Leadership 360 - Lead yourself, leading up, lateral leadership, leading down  

Leadership is an art of creating powerful human currents moving innovatively and enthusiastically in the right direction.

Leader 360 is a holistic approach to leadership that requires holistic thinking, systemic planning, and harmonized actions.



Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK) innovator venturepreneur trainer speaker

Stretch yourself! You are much bigger than you think you are!


Leadership is not about shining, it is about helping others shine.

Be a HOSTer
Help Others Grow and Thrive





Leadership Excellence

The three parts on Leadership Excellence A-to-Z/360 are:

① Leadership Attributes: what leaders Are, Know, and Do;

② Leading change A-to-Z – from vision to reality;

③ Leading 360 all involved

  Leadership Excellence A-to-Z/360





Self-leadership is an extensive set of strategies focused on the behaviors, thoughts, and feelings that you use to exert influence over yourself. To lead yourself, create an inspiring vision, set goals, adopt achievement attitude, and start moving towards your goals.

Be a lifelong learner, and be passionate about it. Remember, if you stop learning, you stop creating history and become history.


KoRe 10 Self-Leadership Tips

Grow Yourself

Great Achieve

Personal Breakthrough





Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

My 3-part plan for every day:

Listen up

Look around

Change the world


Change-Leadership Perpetuum Mobile

Change creates Leaders, Leaders create Change

Create change! Everything can and should be taken to the next level. Why not by you?




Top-Down Leadership

Synergize leadership and management. Be a superleaderlead by example and help your people develop into leaders themselves. Empower, inspire, and energize employees. Be a motivational coach for your people.

Don't assume you know it all. Learn continually. Seek ideas from all team members. Ask questions and solicit suggestions. Be empathic and compassionate, and people will choose you to lead them.


Leadership vs. Management

12 Leadership Roles

Motivational Leadership

Leading Change

25 Lessons from Jack Welch





Horizontal (Lateral) Leadership

How to get things done when you are not the boss and telling others what to do is ineffective? Lead laterally, help people around you achieve more and thrive.

Invite colleagues to work with you to solve problems creatively and achieve a common goal. Don't try to be the only problem solver in your team. Facilitate team creativity and intellectual teamwork instead to improve the process of working together and finding solutions.



Leaders vs. Others

Love Quotient (LQ)

Soft Skills

People Skills

Inspiring People

 Influencing People







Leading-up is about leading your boss, helping your supervisor to see the right goal and find the right path before too late. Once your boss knows that you bring judgement and get results, the way is clear for you to lead your boss. But your boss must want it and you must be able to deliver it.

  SuperSmart Employee lader 360 advanced soft skills