



Impact Innovation refers to various initiatives aimed at generating real-world value and fostering strategic innovation to optimize and synergize new or improved solutions for greater positive economic, societal, and environmental impact.





Innompic Games that turn the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators are a mission-driven impact innovation that unites people and boosts their entrepreneurial creativity

  Blue Ocean Strategy example by Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic Games Planet of Loving Creators



Innompic Ecosystem is
the global capital of positive innopreneurship.

Innompic Games help both contestants and spectators awaken, grow, and build their super-creativity, innopreneurial smartness, and global intelligence. Challenged-based Innompic contests ignite and enthuse Innompians




Vadim Kotelnikov as a mission-driven impact innovator

Innompic Games are a harmonious mega-innovation that is to keep making huge positive global impact for centuries ahead.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


The daring global vision of Innompic Games as well as creative challenges inspire Innompians to stretch, apply and showcase their talents, entrepreneurial creativity, super-smartness, intellectual teamwork, and artful performance skills.



Impact Innovation: INNOMPIC GAMES as World's #1 mega-innovation  

Innompic Games (IG) are a global Blue-Planet innovation and a great example of proactive futuring.

As a global mission-driven impact crusader IG is a rapidly-growing harmonious venture, a relentless trend setter, and an oasis for difference-makers, super-innovators and positive entrepreneurs.