Glossary Innovation | Entrepreneurship





Positive Innopreneurship

Definition, Essence, the Capital, Examples





Positive innopreneurship
is a form of positive entrepreneurship characterized by all-inclusive love, innovation, and a burning desire to keep creating greater harmonious value for all involved and beyond.

  Planet of Loving Creators - oasis of positive entrepreneurship




Positive Economy

Global Capital of Positive Innopreneurship

Innompic Ecosystem – the Planet of Loving Creators – is the global capital of positive innopreneurship and an oasis for positive entrepreneurs and creative impact crusaders.




Positive Entrepreneurship: Innompic Planet of Loving Creators  

Innompic Games is a business crusade that offers a positive-innopreneurship environment, unites innovators, and helps them grow – rapidly – as noble innopreneurs.





How To Practice and Live Positive Innopreneurship





Don't be lesser than YOURSELF!

See yourself as, think like, and act as a loving creator – love the whole world, love what you do, and strive to create greater value for others.

Innovation is, actually, a very simple phenomenon – it all about love: love what you do and love your customers.

  Practice Positive Innopreneurship - be a loving creator.



If you love what you do, there are no difficult tasks fro you, only inspiring and interesting ones.

If you love your teammates and your customers, you will be able to create a happy business  and a  high LQ culture. You and your teammates will become enthusiastic, relentless and entrepreneurial value innovators and impact crusaders. You will create harmonious innovations, build a sustainable business, and pursue harmonious growth.


Life-Business Synergy

Happiness 360


Innovation is Love

Strategic Creativity

Innopreneurial Journey A-Z/360




Entrepreneurial Shakti refers to the power of a victorious entrepreneur.

In Hinduism, 'Shakti' is 'Universal Power' that underlies and sustains all existence.


Entrepreneurial Strength

Harmony Master





Anthem of Creative Sustainability Leaders




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

Love creates us when we create with love


Love creates us when we create with love
And pursue harmonious growth.
Universal laws
Help us stay on course.
We take care of our Mother Earth.
Let’s don’t put on the shelf
Our Higher Self!
Let’s take care of our Mother Earth!

~ Vadim Kotelnikov