
Vadim Kotelnikov

Coaching by Example

Outstanding User Experience

Innompic Games

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



User experience as an individual’s perceptions, emotions and responses that result from using a user-focused solution.





Intellectual Innompic Games that turn the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators are a mission-driven innovation that unites people and boosts their entrepreneurial creativity

  Blue Ocean Strategy example by Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic Games Planet of Loving Creators



Innompic Games are value-added Games – they help people grow as loving creators and create future.




World-best user experience: Innompic Planet of Loving Creators  

As the intellectual 'brother' of Olympic Games, Innompic Games are a civilizational breakthrough – new Games for the new world driven by superpassionate, supersmart, supercreative and superinnovative  positive venturepreneurs and impact crusaders.




Innompic Games
are an impact innovation. They inspire entrepreneurial creativity, innopreneurial smartness, challenge-based accelerated learning, creative teamwork, joyful artful performances, cross-cultural collaboration and friendship.

  Example of Great User Experience (UX): Innompic Games



The way how Innompians sing the anthem of Innompic Games
'I Have a Difference To Make!'
tells everything about their user experience









Innompic Games are a multi-purpose radical innovation with a daring vision on turning the Earth to the Planet of Loving Creators.

At the end of all-win Innompic Games, participants are invited to provide a structured feedback that helps designers of Innompic Games to assess user experience (UX) and improve it.

The feedback form asks Innompians to provide 3 answers to each of these three questions:

1. What did you like most?

2. What did you learn?

3. How Innompic Games could be improved?


Innompic Game Worldwide



IPMA 2018

Innompic Ecosystem

Brand Appeal


Anthem of Creative Sustainability Leaders




Accelerated Learning 20-60-20 Planet of Loving Creators Innompians SuperGamification Trend Setter Innovation A-Z/360 Brand Appeal Brand Attributes of Innompic Games Innompic Games Unique Benefits 360 Unity, Fun, Joy Shared Vision 10 Keys to Success All-Win Games Creation Show Innompic Games 10 Keys to Success harmonious global innovation  

Innompic Games are a global Blue-Planet innovation and a great example of proactive futuring.

This rapidly-growing harmonious venture is a relentless trend setter and an oasis for super-innovators, impact crusaders and positive entrepreneurs.




Anthem of Creative Sustainability Leaders  ▪  AI about Innompic Games