Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

10 Tips
 Effective ERP Implementation


ERP Implementation Phases



① Thoroughly analyze business processes before implementation.


Business Process Thinking Checklist




② Modify the internal procedures. Simplify the flow as much as possible.


Transition to a Lean Enterprise





③ Select a project leader who will work with the CIO,  drive the implementation and ensure IT-business alignment.


Growing Value of Systems Thinking for Business




④ Construct the project plan, which will serve as a guide throughout the rest of the project.


Barriers to Successful TQM




⑤ Work out various designs and configurations for the new system, define roles, and document standard operating procedures (SOP).


Assess Your Business Process Management Approaches




⑥ Introduce the employees to what an ERP is, how the organization can benefit from an ERP and how each of them can contribute to successful implementation of ERP.

⑦ Identify and empower curious and super-smart employees who are enthusiastic about the change.




⑧ Carefully prepare the data (remove anything unnecessary, correct mistakes) before importing them into the ERP.


9 Steps to building a Process-managed Enterprise




⑨ Do a lot of testing before the new system goes live.


Kaizen Mindset




⑩ Once the ERP system has gone live, analyze user feedback and make adjustments and changes to the system configuration as necessary.


Ask Learning SWOT Questions

Benefits of ERP