, it is more
important for an organization to be cross-functionally excellent than
functionally excellent.
Firms which are successful in realizing the full
returns from their technologies and
Product Innovations are able to match their
technological developments with complementary expertise in other areas of
their business, such as manufacturing, distribution, human resources,
, and
customer relationships.
To lead these expertise development
cross-functional teams, either formal or informal, need to be
formed. These teams can also find new businesses in white spaces between
existing business units.
strategic innovation road-mapping, the starting point for knowledge
building and learning about the innovation concept is to establish a shared
view of trends,
technologies and other discontinuities, and related events that could shape
the future. To nurture
intellectual teamwork, organize regular
meetings of multi-disciplinary teams
to discuss explicitly – and if required, redefine – innovation
objectives, priorities, and specific projects...