Why Road-Mapping?

The goal of the road-mapping is to develop the innovation strategy – to choose and do the right things. The goal of innovation management is to implement this strategy well.

Road-mapping leads to effective project portfolio development and management. It provides for company-wide technological strategy development and technology assessment, as well as division-level project evaluation and strategic aligning. Road-mapping tools provide also a common language for innovation and building bridges between technologists and business managers within your corporation, and with you major suppliers and customers.


STAND OUT from the competition  ▪  Surprise To Win    Disruption Strategy





The Goals of Road-Mapping and Innovation Management

Road-mapping – to chose and do the right things

Innovation management – to do these things well




Product Roadmap

Product roadmaps define new product and service initiatives within a market or technology context. They embody a large percentage of the corporate strategy and provide a degree of tangibility that helps bring together other choices in direction, technology, marketing and so forth to the surface.

Furthermore, starting with product roadmaps forces people to be explicit about how their ideas translate into new products or services. It is vital for developing product roadmaps to discover assumptions beneath the selection of products.


3 Strategies of Market Leaders 

New-To-the-World Product Development 

 OFP Roadmap

Sample Job Description

Product Strategy, Strategic Product Design






Technology Road-Mapping

The linkage of corporate business strategy and technology strategy plays an important role in firms’ success. Technology forecasting, technology assessment and product planning are integrated by road-mapping. Road-mapping is a powerful integrated device for improving the quality of technology management and integration of various activities. A good technology road-mapping, such as Delphi Strategy Writing (WSR) Method for Road-Mapping, could perform more generic technology management functions... More


Technology Strategy

Technology Mapping 

Futures Thinking 


Radical Project Management

10 Commandments of Innovation

Business Model





Questions the Roadmap Team Focuses On

What are the trends and discontinuities in relation to customer needs and desires, technological development, system and product/service attributes?

How to align the corporate goals and strategies in relation to these trends?

Does the company has skills and talent to manage and execute these changes?

What strategic partnerships need to be built?

How much capital and resources will be required?


INNOBALL Entrepreneurial Simulation Game 

Achieve MUCH MORE!

Create a Stronger Business Case 

Create a Stronger Business Model

Reduce Risks








Industry Roadmap

The task of the roadmap team is to formulate an event map that will signal potential disruptions within the industry and reflects your competitors' migration patterns. With a general industry map and an event map you can identify current and future players in your industry, what the financial opportunities will be, and define strategic partnerships to be formed in order to get access to necessary competencies.