The Most Productive Know-How
Yin-Yang Intelligence is the
ultimate creative intelligence.
It is about knowing how to make
the universal forces of creative
Yang and adaptive Yin
waltz up as a harmonious
whole towards a daring vision or
a stretch goal.
Examples of Application of
Yin-Yang Intelligence in Life
and Business
is a virtuous spiral of strategically
aligned learning (Yin) and action (Yang).
Conversation Memorable conversation is an
empathetic harmony of talking (Yang) and listening
(Yin). |
Some health teachers say, "mind
over body", others say "body
over mind". These approaches
are, actually, like Yang and Yin
– they work in combination only.
Health is a mental and
harmony. Sickness is any
Effective strategies harmonize inside-out
(Yang) and outside-in (Yin) considerations.
Value Innovation
Create new customer needs (Yang)
and satisfy them (Yin).
Balance push (Yang) and pull
(Yin) activities |