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Harmonious Growth

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Harmonious Growth Vadim Kotelnikov as a harmony innovator Universal Laws Harmony MegaInnovator Waltz up with everything All-Inclusive Love Harmonious Growth - 3 keys: love, universal laws, waltzing up



Pursuing harmonious growth is about striving to achieve development that balances and harmonizes the interests, aspirations, and perceptions of various stakeholders – employees, customers, investors, the community, and the world at  large – while living all-inclusive love, social values, environmental sustainability, and global empathy.

Driven by harmony innovators, harmonious growth involves leveraging diversity and building synergies to create a supportive and empowering environment that benefits and inspires all parties involved.

Last but not least – and even most importantly – harmonious growth is about staying in harmony with the Universal Laws.


Harmonious Development

Harmonious Innovation

Harmony Innovation

Harmonious Mega-Innovation

Harmony MegaInnovator

Harmonious Economy

Growth Mecca



Harmonious Development and harmony innovatoion  

Harmonious Development is a growth symphony that delights, inspires, improves wellbeing and quality of life, nourishes peace, joy and creative collaboration.




Leading organizations pursue harmonious growth through learning nature, establishing a balanced business system, balancing forces of creative Yin and adaptive Yang, and harmonizing relationships among 5 basic elements. They make harmonious company, harmonious business design, high LQ culture, harmonious innovation, and loving customer relationships their priority.




Yin-Yang Intelligence (YYI)

Yin-Yang Intelligence is the ultimate creative intelligence because it helps achieve and sustain harmonious growth. Yang forces are proactive and fast moving. Yin forces are adaptive and slow moving. Yin-Yan Intelligence helps harmonize the universal energies of Yin and Yang while taking into account the constant tendency to change.


Yin and Yang

Applications of YYI

Yin and Yang of Change Management

Yin and Yang: the State of Peace, Good Fortune and Success






Harmonious Economy is a model of economic development that emphasizes harmonious development,  harmonious growth, lasing peace, positivity, sustainability, harmonious innovation, social equity, creative collaboration, balanced systems, and adherence to Universal Laws.


Keys to Harmonious Economy

Harmonious Economy and Harmony Innovation




Anthem of Passionate Harmony Innovators




Vadim Kotelnikov (VadiK), founder, Innompic Games speaker trainer

There are millions of ways to tell all people and our planet, 'I love you!"


Love creates us when we create with love
And pursue harmonious growth.
Universal laws
Help us stay on course.
We take care of our Mother Earth.
Let’s don’t put on the shelf
Our Higher Self!
Let’s take care of our Mother Earth!

~ Vadim Kotelnikov