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Implementation Principles

Japanese Strategy of Continuous Improvement

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Kaizen means "improvement". Kaizen strategy calls for never-ending efforts for improvement involving everyone in the organization – managers and workers alike.

Top management commitment is Number 1 condition of successful Kaizen implementation.

  Kaizen Vadim Kotelnikov Kaizen Mindset Suggestion Systems Techniques for Fast Evaluation of Ideas Quality Control Circles Be the Best Possible Kaizen Implementation Principles Kaizen Implemkentation Continuous Improvement Firm (CIF) Kaizen 5 Principles of Japanese Continuous Improvement Strategies





Continuous Improvement





Three Kaizen Implementation Principles






To be most effective Kaizen must operate with three principles in place:

consider the process, not the results only, so that actions to achieve effects are surfaced;

see the big picture, master systems thinking to see the whole process and not just that immediately in view in order to avoid creating problems elsewhere in the process;

create a learning, no-blame culture that will allow the re-examination of the assumptions that resulted in the current process.



Key Practices



Kaizen Culture

8 Components









Keep in Mind




Kaikaku Kaizen Synergy - radical plus incremental improvements  

"Kaizen" means quite different things in Japan and the West.

In Japan, "kaizen" is a journey that focuses on people – it calls to start any improvement with yourself and then improve everything around you.

In the West, "kaizen" is narrowly focused on improving processes.






Continuous Improvement





Two Parts of Kaizen Management

Cross-functional Management

Policy Deployment

6Ws of Kaizen Implementation

You must define Why, Who, What, How, Where and Why... More

  Kaizen Wheel: 6Ws - Why, Who, What, How, Where, When