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The Japanese Strategy of
Continuous Improvement

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



What is Kaizen?

Kaizen means "improvement".

Kaizen strategy calls for never-ending efforts for improvement involving everyone in the organization – managers and workers alike.

  Kaizen Vadim Kotelnikov Kaizen Mindset Suggestion Systems Techniques for Fast Evaluation of Ideas Quality Control Circles Be the Best Possible Kaizen Implementation Principles Kaizen Implemkentation Continuous Improvement Firm (CIF) Continuous Improvement Kaizen Principles - 5 Principles of Japanese Continuous Imprvement Strategies and Management



7 Goals of the Japanese Suggestion System

❶  Making the job easier

❷  Removing drudgery from the job

❸  Removing nuisance from the job

❹  Making the job safer

❺  Making the job more productive

❻  Improving product quality

❼  Saving time and cost





Every company could be made more efficient ‒ save resources, energy and increase production for everyone ‒ by following the Kaizen principles.


Key Practices

7 Conditions







Continuous Improvement





Keep in Mind




Kaizen Wheel: 6Ws - Why, Who, What, How, Where, When  

"Kaizen" means quite different things in Japan and the West.

In Japan, "kaizen" is a journey that focuses on people – it calls to start any improvement with yourself and then improve everything around you.

In the West, "kaizen" is narrowly focused on improving processes.




Vadim Kotelnikov

Everything can and should be improved ‒ look for improvement opportunities relentlessly

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon




Kaikaku and Kaizen Kaizen Kaizen Mindset 10 Kaikaku Commandments Kore 10 Kaikaku Tips Kaikaku + Kaizen Vadim Kotelnikov Kaizen & Kaikaku - radical & incremental improvements, Yin & Yang  

In Kaizen & Lean terms, there are
two kinds of improvement:

① Kaizen is evolutionary, focused on incremental improvements

Kaikaku is revolutionary, focused on radical improvements




Employee Empowerment: Suggestion System

The Japanese management encourages employees to generate a great number of suggestions and works hard to consider and implement these suggestions, often incorporating them into the overall Kaizen strategy. The suggestion system is an integral part of an established management system that aims at involving employees in Kaizen... More


Suggestion System

Japanese Suggestion System

Thinking Outside the Box

Ask Learning SWOT Questions







Kaizen and Corporate Culture

Kaizen is an integral part of corporate culture of a Continuous Improvement Firm (CIF). It requires continuous both conscious and sub-conscious thinking about improvements from everyone. Nurturing and effectively integrating Kaizen into corporate culture is not easy. It requires a sustained effort. But, as Toyota has demonstrated, it offers a more sustained competitive advantage.


Kaizen Culture

3 Pillars

Japan vs. West

Customer-focused Culture

Culture of Creative Dissatisfaction

Questioning Culture







Continuous Improvement

