The Role of Cultural
Intelligence (CQ)
in Multicultural Collaboration
Cultural Intelligence helps to
appreciate and manage cross-cultural differences, build trust, and
leverage diversity. CQ has immense relevance to the increasingly
global and diverse workplace and marketplace. |
All-inclusive Love as a Master
All-inclusive love is a master
key to everything, including
multicultural collaboration.
Love if you want to be loved.
Don't be a cold star, do your
best to become a sun that gives
light and warmth instead.
Empathy is a Key to
Multicultural Collaboration
Dive deeper. See the entire tree
from roots to fruits. Read
diverse wisdom quotes and grow
your cultural empathy from
Learn from generalizations about
other cultures, but don't
stereotype. Use
cultural wisdom and norms
rather to understand better and
appreciate other multifaceted
human beings.
Synergize Cultural Diversities
Meritocracy Fuels Multicultural
Meritocracy is a key to
multicultural collaboration.
Meritocracy is a harmonious
system in which people are
chosen and moved into positions
of success, power, and influence
on the basis of their
demonstrated abilities, effort,
achievement, contribution, and
10 Guidelines for Multicultural