

Glossary: Economy





Flourishing Economy






Economy KoRe Glossary Harmonious Economy Circular Economy Sustainable Economy Best Economy: 1. Harmonious; 2. Circular; 3. Sustainable



A flourishing economy refers to a dynamic and harmonious economic environment where individuals have the ability to engage innovatively and take creative initiatives, leading to overall prosperity and well-being.

A flourishing economy is characterized by a high level of productivity, continuous innovation, harmonious growth, and the well-being of its citizens. It is a positive economy that supports various activities that enhance quality of life, beyond mere accumulation of wealth.


Harmonious Development

Harmonious Economy

Positive Economy

Inspirational Economy








Enablers of Flourishing Economy





Shock Therapy

As an economic theory, shock therapy says that sudden, dramatic changes in an economic policy can turn a declining economy to a flourishing one.


Shock Therapy Communication

Transformational Change



Harmonious Growth Vadim Kotelnikov as a harmony innovator Universal Laws Harmony MegaInnovator Waltz up with everything All-Inclusive Love Virtuous Spiral Flourishing Economy and Harmonious Growth  

Harmonious Development

Harmonious Development is a growth symphony that delights, inspires, improves wellbeing and quality of life, nourishes peace, joy and creative collaboration. It involves leveraging diversity and building synergies to create an empowering environment that benefits and inspires all parties involved.




Harmony Mega-Innovators

Harmony mega-innovators are key architects and builders of a flourishing economy.


Harmony Master




Happy Business All-Inclusive Love Love Your Customers Love What You Do Trusted Partners Love the World Business e-Coach Innompians VadiK Vadim Kotelnikov: coaching by example 3F of Innompic Games Flourishing Economy and Love-driven Happy Business  

Happy businesses drive flourishing economy.

A sustainable business is a harmonious and healthy enterprise that meets the needs of its stakeholders without compromising the ability of future businesses to flourish.





Happy Business




Vadim Kotelnikov

To be flourishing, business must become a tool to make people happier.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Lao Tzu advice quotes teachings

Humanity attained unity that people might flourish.

Lao Tzu