Happy Business is About Love
Love Your Work
People need to be doing what
they love and love their work if
they are to give their best and
help their company flourish.
Passion leads to excellence, new
discoveries and relentless
innovation and improvement.
Love Your Partners
Love both your in-company and
outside-company partners. Loving
relationships with your
work-mates and business partners
improve understanding,
collaboration, communication,
cross-pollination of ideas and
mutual creativity. Loving
relationships with your partners
make your work a source of
endless rewards and joy.
Relationships of love, trust and
support are especially helpful
when you need to make big
changes in your organization,
processes or business model.
Love Your Customers
Love for customers is the
springhead of the cascade of
innovations and the river of
revenues. Loving is about
striving to make your loved ones
happier. If you make your
customers feel happier, they
will stay with you, and you both
will enjoy this lasting loving
Love the World
Love is more powerful than
responsibility. All-inclusive
love is a source of great and
lasting happiness. If you love
the world, you build a business
that cares of and is in harmony
with the society and the