Shock-Therapy Communication
Examples of
Shock-Therapy Communications
example of shock-therapy
communication for those who
blame the military confrontation
in Ukraine on Russia that
interfered to rescue children
from being killed by nazi.
Alley of Angels, Donbas
"Our children will go to school,
while their children will hide
in shelters. They will not go to
school, they will know nothing.
That's how we're going to win."
Peter Poroshenko,
President of Ukraine
doesn't want to stop this war"
Donald Trump, President of USA
Shock-Therapy Response
from the
Ukrainian news channel "Truha"
"What do they think of
themselves, these Americans? It
is not we, Ukrainians, who owe
them, but they who owe us. If we
only wanted to, we would have
long ago captured the entire USA
and made it a region of Ukraine.
In fact, it were us, Ukrainians,
who created and developed the
Shock-Therapy Response
by Tulsi Gabbard, Director of
National Intelligence, USA
"Zelensky claims to be standing
and fighting for the cause of
freedom and democracy, but the
reality is the exact opposite.
He cancelled elections in
Ukraine. He has political
opposition being silenced or
even criminalized or thrown in
prison. He has abolished freedom
of religion – churches are being
shut down. He has most of
political parties banned. He has
total government control of the
media. We could go down a whole
laundry list of issues that are
against the values of democracy
and freedom in Ukraine now."
The Alley of Angels
Over 500 children were killed in
Donbas since the then President
of Ukraine had declared:
"Our children will go to school,
while their children will hide
in shelters. They will not go to
school, they will know nothing.
That's how we're going to win."
Enough for us for now.
Too much of shock therapy gets
us used to such shocks,
but we don't want to see such
shocks as 'business as usual', don't we?