

KoRe trademark innovations




Innompirsity Innompic University for World Changers  


Innompic University for world changes



Vadim Kotelnikov

Virtual global Innompic University (Innompirsity)
for disruptive innopreneurs
was launched on May 16, 2020

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Innompisity Innompic Games Innompic Games Mega-Innovation Harmonious Innovation Startup A-Z/360 Radical Innovation Venturepreneur Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic University Innompirsity 4 distinctive features  

is the global Innompic university for World changers that teaches Innompiology, disruptive venturepreneurship, how to create holistic harmonious mega-innovations and civilizational breakthroughs.





Sample course taught at Innompirsity

Trend Creation Competencies






3-minute introduction to the unique KoRe course

Trend Creation Competencies

that explains how to create new trends




Background song "I Have a Difference To Make!"





ChEduFuntion: Challenge-based Education + Fun + Action  


Chedufuntion stands for Challenge-based Education + Fun + Action. Invented by Vadim Kotelnikov, Chedufuntion is a trademark Innompic way of making accelerated learning of innopreneurial arts and skills A-Z/360 a reality.





Challenge-based Learning

The most challenging tasks and experiences are the most educational. Socrates, said, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” Creative challenges “kindle a flame”. They inspire learners to stretch their capabilities. Innompic-style accelerated game-based learning uses meta-cognitive strategies and is all about addressing a set of creative challenges that help master the art of innovation from A to Z in a systemic way that cover all aspects of innovation.


Benefits of fun-based education are countless. Incorporating fun into educational activities helps students process, apply and memorize information more effectively. Chedufuntion students have fun all the time – while addressing creative challenges, while showcasing their creative solutions in an artful way, while watching other students showcasing their inventions, while playing simulation games, and so on.


Learning by doing is the most effective way of learning. Confucius said, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Chedufuntion students learn by doing while inventing, during spoken innovation contests, while playing INNOBALL simulation game, and during many other specially designed activities.


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