Why, What, Who, How, Where, When
6Ws stands for Why, What,
Who, How, Where, When.
Master Key To Success 360
The 6Ws model is a master key to
success 360 in any area of life
or business where change is to
be implemented.
Communication Tool
The 6Ws model is also a great
communication tools. It helps explain prospective partners the
essence and the success strategy of a complex business or project. |
Some Other Applications of 6W's
6Ws of the Kaizen
Why do you want to
improve continuously? Be passionate about what you do and your
target audience and strive to create increasingly higher value for
your beloved ones whoever they are – family, friends, community,
customers, partners, peers, sponsors, investors...
More |
The 6Ws model grew apparently
out of the ancient Chinese
5Ws I-Ching advice on how to
turn opportunities to your
The sixth W – 'Why' – was added
to I-Ching's 5Ws to provide a
The poem on 6Ws by
Rudyard Kipling, the author of
keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and
And How and Where and Who.
I send them over land and sea,
I send them east and west;
But after they have worked for
I give them all a rest...