VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

APEP-style Elevator Pitch

Amaze, Promise, Engage, Pull

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Grab your prospects' attention, arouse their curiosity and make them excited to learn more about your offer.




APEP-style Elevator Pitch: Amaze, Promise, Engage, Pull; example  

APEP stands for Amaze, Promise, Engage, Pull.

The APEP structure of and elevator speech/pitch is designed specifically for a highly competitive marketplace with less investment money and reduced attention span.



Vadim Kotelnikov

Master the spoken innovation art. Disruptive value propositions need to be communicated in a highly impactful way if you want to win supporters faster.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon




An example of a 30-second APEP-style pitch

KoRe Mini-courses




Amaze and arouse curiosity

KoRe mini-courses are not gold sand, it’s pure gold for ambitious achievers – both aspiring and experienced ones.


We help people unlock and grow their unlimited thinking, creative and entrepreneurial capabilities – fast!


What is your big dream? We’ll help you waltz-up towards it effectively and joyfully!


All you need to start your exciting journey is to test a free sample and discover the magic it does to you!



Some Explanations

The structure “it’s not …, it’s …” helps arouse curiosity quickly.

The promise to unlock unlimited capabilities quickly inspires a big hope and creates a feeling of simplicity.

The question “What is your big dream?” engages the prospect.

The metaphor “waltz up” creates an expectation of an exciting journey.

"The magic it does to you" is a phrase that typically refers to the positive impact or transformative effect that something has on an individual. It could be used to describe a book that inspires someone, a song that uplifts them, a training that boosts their capabilities, or an experience that changes their perspective.






APEP-style 30-second Elevator Pitch: 8+22 structure





This is especially important for Internet-based video pitches because the initial attention span of web-surfers gets shorter. It is currently  around 8 seconds.

The purpose of the first 8 seconds of your 30-second elevator pitch is to create an eye-opening 'Aha!' effect and grab the prospect’s attention.

  The Art of Communicating: Inspire "Aha!" Moments



The Most Important First 8 Seconds

The first 8 seconds of your 30-seconf pitch is to make your prospects want to listen to you for the remaining 22 seconds.


Impactful Written Pitch

How To Start a Written Pitch






Focus on Your Audience

First, ask yourself WHY your prospects should get interested. Having answered that questions, ask yourself WHAT you need to present.

Harnesses the power of storytelling and your value innovation to take potential investors on an engaging journey.

  The Elevator Speech laconic and impactful pitch business summary




Longer Investor Pitch

The objective of your Elevator Pitch is to arouse curiosity and get invited to make a longer presentation of your business idea, project or venture.

If you market your startup to prospective venture capital (VC) investors, below is the classic structure of a startup pitch with its predefined and familiar sections. This structure works well in less competitive markets where time and money are not a scarce resource.

* * *


The problem

The solution




Market analysis

Trends and opportunities

Business model





Result-oriented Communication APEP-style elevator pitch  

Result-oriented Communication

Inspire 'Aha!' Moments

Successful Salesperson  ▪  Sell Benefits

Elevator Speech

Make a Powerful First Impression

Examples of Elevator Speeches

Impactful Presenter

Engaging Presentation

Public Speaking DOs and DON'Ts