

Approaches impossible as possible

Approaches possible as impossible

Step forward into growth

Step back into safety


Get disrupted

Makes mistakes and says: 'I was wrong.'

Says: 'It wasn't my fault'

Credits his good luck for winning even though it wasn't luck

Credits his bad luck for losing, though it wasn't luck

Says: 'I want to know it.'

Says: 'I know it all.'

Works harder and has more time

Is always 'too busy', too busy staying at failure

Goes through a problem

Goes around a problem

Shows he's sorry by making up for it

Says he's sorry but he does the same thing next time

Thinks win-win

Thinks win-lose

Knows what to fight for and what to compromise on

Compromises on what he should not and wastes time with trivial matters

Says: 'I'm good, but not so good as I ought to be'. Look up to where he is going.

Says: 'I'm not as bad as a lot of people'. Looks down at those who've not yet achieved the position he has.

Respects those who are superior to him and tries to learn from them

Resents those who are superior to him and tries to find fault

Responsible for more than his job

Says: "I only work here"

Says: 'There ought to be a better way of doing this'

Says: 'Why change it? That's the way it's always been done'

Make mistakes, learn from them, and emerge stronger

Fake success, ignore lessons, and stay down



VadiK Vadim Kotelnikov

Losers see enemies, winners see teachers.

Winners prepare to win, losers prepare to lose.

Losers are worriers, winners are warriors.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Vadim Kotelnikov life success quote, coaching by example

The only measure of success or failure in life is whether you end up in heaven or hell.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


My definition of success in life is simple and utmost practical:

your way of life is successful if you end up in heaven.





Winners prepare to win. Losers prepare to lose.





Launching a radical project change, venture, innovation – without playing InnoBall simulation games is like starting a football game naively believing that the opposing team does not exist.

  Radical Project: prepare to win, play InnoBall simulation game




VadiK Vadim Kotelnikov

You lose if you decide that you have achieved your growth goal.

You win if you decide to do better tomorrow.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Steve Jobs advice quotes

distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

Steve Jobs



Donald Trump quotes

Most people think small, because they're afraid of success, afraid of making decisions, afraid of winning.



Napoleon advice

Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
