
Team Leader

Synergistic Team


Leading a Virtual Team

Specific tasks of a leader of a virtual team

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim Kotelnikov





To succeed, a virtual team needs a common goal, a clear description of responsibilities of team members, a milestone chart, and adherence to best practices and effective strategies.




When your team members are not in one building but scattered among  remote locations or even all over the globe, different team leadership rules apply. A recent research shows that those skills are not simply different from those needed for running co-located teams; they are often the exact opposite.

When we communicate virtually, we become less influential. So a different style of managerial communication should be practiced when you lead a geographically scattered virtual team, especially a culturally diverse one. 



Manage More

In virtual teams, team leaders have to formalize roles and responsibilities better and create a highly defined process where team members deliver specific results in a repeated sequence. "You must lead differently. While co-located teams often benefit most from a leader who acts as a facilitator, virtual teams need a manager who provides clearly defined direction and removes all ambiguity from the process," says Erin Meyer from INSEAD.

You must also build trust differently. "Trust takes on a whole new meaning in virtual teams. When you meet your workmates by the water cooler or photocopier every day, you know instinctively who you can and cannot trust. In a geographically distributed team, trust is measured almost exclusively in terms of reliability," continues Erin Meyer. In multi-cultural global teams, different kinds of decision making process should be used.






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