Trust Defined
"To be trusted is a
greater compliment than to
be loved."
~ George MacDonald
Mutual trust is a shared belief that you can
depend on each other to achieve a common purpose.
More comprehensively trust defined as "the
willingness of a party (trustor) to be vulnerable to the actions of another
party (trustee) based on the expectation that the trustee will perform an
action important to the trustor, regardless of the trustor's ability to
monitor or control the trustee."8
"People sense how you feel about
them. If you want to change their attitudes toward you, change the negative
attitudes you have toward them."
requires the building of trust. Trust is the expectancy of people that they
can rely on your word. It is built through integrity and consistency in
Effective Listening: The
Bottom Line of Trust
listen well
people will trust you.
"You cannot establish trust if you cannot listen. A conversation is a
relationship. Both speaker and listener play a part, each
influencing the other. Instead of
being a passive recipient, the listener has as much to do in shaping the
conversation as the speaker"9...
Yin-Yang of Influencing People
Eye Contact
There's an old myth if you won't look at me I can't trust
you. It might be true, might be not. But if they believe it, it's true!...
NLP Technology of Achievement:
Rapport is a process of building a sustaining
relationship of mutual trust, harmony and understanding. It
is essentially meeting individuals in their model of the world. Rapport
starts with acceptance of the other person's point of view, their state and
style of communication.
Same Reality, Different Perceptions
This happens through matching the accessing
cues from words, eye movements and
language. Rapport is
the ability to be on the same wavelength and to connect mentally and
emotionally. It is the ability to join people where they are in order to
build a climate of trust and respect.
4 NLP Perceptual Positions
Having rapport does not mean that you
have to agree, but that you understand where the other person or people are
coming from...
Managing Cultural
differences play a key role in the creation of trust, since
is built in different ways, and means different things in different
Working Relationships
Trust has an important link with your
organizational success. "Trust elevates levels of commitment and
sustains effort and
performance without the need for management controls and close
monitoring."4 Trust between a manager and an employee is based on
the trustor's
perception of the trustee
ability, benevolence, and integrity...
Building Trust in
Global Virtual Teams
In global
teams, when your team is not in one building but all over the globe, you
must build trust differently. "Trust takes on a whole new meaning in virtual
teams. When you meet your workmates by the water cooler or photocopier every
day, you know instinctively who you can and cannot trust. In a
geographically distributed team, trust is measured almost exclusively in
terms of reliability," says Erin Meyer10 from INSEAD.
Trust as a Source of
Competitive Advantage
Trust-based working relationships are an
important source of your
sustainable competitive advantage
because trust is valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and
often nonsubstitutable. The level of trust a
is able to garner from his/her employees is contingent upon the employee's
perceptions of the leader's ability, benevolence, and
integrity. A study that was conducted to determine whether trust could
be a source of competitive advantage8 showed that trust is
significantly related to sales, profits, and turnover. More broadly, the
study concluded that "the ability of a
general manager
to earn higher trust from her or his employees likely creates a
advantage for a firm over its rivals."7...
Building Trust in Business
– both between individuals and organizations – is at the core of and
significant benefits in today's complex and rapidly
knowledge economy.
New Economy: Key Features
With trust as a foundation, the companies – or
within a company – can share their know-how to achieve
– results that exceed the sum or the parts. "Unlike formal contracts or
rigid hierarchies, trust frees partners to respond together to the
unexpected, which is essential for
mutual creativity.
Trust also fosters enthusiasm, ensuring the
performance from everyone."5...
from Jack Welch
3Ss of Winning
3Ss of Winning in Business
Give people a voice, get them talking and
listening to and trusting one
Case in Point
General Electric (GE) Work-Out
One of the four GE Work-Out's major goals is to
build trust through encouraging employees to speak out critically inside the
company about GE and the way they perform their jobs without negative
consequences to their careers...