Communication strategy is a
coherence linkage never to be overlooked. Communication needs to
be comprehensively planned and spontaneous, as well as top-down and
bottom-up. A
corporate leader must communicate openly and honestly, give
clear guidelines, and set expectations. |
Managerial communication is
neither a separate nor a
periodic task. Use every means
available to let everyone
working with you know your plans
and your reasons. A
should provide team members with
the information they require to
do a good job, communicating
with them frequently, and giving
them clear guidelines on the
results that are expected.
Managerial Communication Tools
Communicate with reports and
benchmarks that track
business progress and anticipate
issues and opportunities, for
example: the annual budget
measurements and benchmarks
requiring action; key weekly
measurements on which action can
be taken.
meetings can also foster
clear effective communication,
and spark action.
The more people know, the more they'll understand,
the more they'll care. Once they care, there's no stopping them. |
Sam Walton |
Monsanto was was undergoing a
transformation to become a
new company.
One of the areas of focus during
this transition period was on
communicating and building the
desired corporate culture and
motivated behaviors through
traditional means like videos
and newsletters as well as
day-to-day conversations.