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Kaizen and Kaikaku

Holistic approach: synergize radical and incremental improvements

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

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Kaikaku and Kaizen Kaizen Kaizen Mindset 10 Kaikaku Commandments Kore 10 Kaikaku Tips Kaikaku + Kaizen Vadim Kotelnikov Kaizen & Kaikaku - radical & incremental improvements, Yin & Yang  

In Kaizen & Lean terms, there are two kinds of improvement:

① Kaizen is evolutionary, focused on incremental improvements

② Kaikaku is revolutionary, focused on radical improvements




Everything can and should be improved
‒ look for improvement opportunities constantly.


Kaikaku is necessary to break paradigms and elevate the awareness of people to a higher level of understanding.

When approaching a problem situation, it might require radical improvement to start with (Kaikaku), then be continuously improved (Kaizen).







Radical Improvement (Kaikaku)



Kaikaku is a lean production term that means radical change, transformation, a revolution. It means radical overhaul of an activity to eliminate all waste (muda in Japanese) and create greater value. It is a rapid and radical change process.

Kaikaku is also known as Breakthrough Kaizen, Kaizen Blitz, Flow Kaizen and System Kaizen.  


Kaikaku is a breakthrough rapid and radical improvement, of any activity.

It is similar to radical innovation, though innovation is not necessary for Kaikaku.

Coaching by Examples Kore 10 Tips Radical Improvements (Kaikaku) 10 Kaikaku Commandments Surprise To Win Culture of Creative Dissatisfaction 80/20 Principle Turn Problems into Opportunities Questioning Culture "Why? What If?" questions How To Sell Ideas To Stakeholders Kaizen Mindset Take Action Learning SWOT Questions 10 Brainstorming Rules Master of Business Synergies (MBS) Kaikaku - Radical Improvements - Kore 10 Tips







KoRe 10 Kaikaku Tips


  Strive to amaze your  customers, both internal and external; ask yourself "What would an ideal customer experience be?" and look for ways to make maximum contribution to that ideal state

  Develop a creative dissatisfaction mindset;  ask yourself  "What would an ideal process or workshop look like?" and search for opportunities to make radical improvements

  Look for opportunities to do much more with much less; apply the 80/20 Principle to everything  >>>

  See problems as opportunities to make things radically better and to hone your  winning skills for creative problem solving

  Challenge assumptions and the status quo; recognize that the current practice may entrap people in old ways of seeing and thinking  >>>

  Take different perceptual positions and look at the current practice with new eyes; ask "Why and What If?" questions

  Know how to sell your radical ideas to other stakeholders and how to overcome resistance to change.

  Brainstorm creative solutions with your group; go wild; think outside the box; look for synergies

  Think positively and act promptly ‒ start improving things and learn as you go  >>>

  Follow the radical improvement action (Kaikaku) with continuous small improvements ( Kaizen >>>





Kaikaku-Kaizen Synergy

Kaikaku is sought in addition to Kaizen, not in place of Kaizen. 

Kaikaku is a rapid change event as opposed to Kaizen which is smaller incremental improvements. Kaikaku is revolutionary while Kaizen is evolutionary.

Kaikaku sometimes used as a precursor to Kaizen activities. Kaizen is essential for a long-term lean transformation.

Without Kaizen you are building Kaikaku on sandy foundations. And vice versa >>>



Kaizen Culture: 8 Key Elements

Implementing Kaizen: 7 Conditions

Example of a Truly Lean Value Chain


"Excellent firms don't believe in excellence
– only in constant improvement and constant
~ Tom Peters