7 Proven Ways
Increase Your
Google Rankings
Quality Traffic


Content Marketing Digital Marketing slides-deck rapid-learning course


Magnetic Website & Digital Mwerketing: How To Get Higher Ranking  

Focus your digital marketing strategies on user experience (UX) and entity-based search engine optimization (SEO).

Set goals. Stretch your thinking and your goals. Stretch targets awaken your super-creativity and inspire innovative ideas.




Optimize content for greater and faster impact: start with impactful images creating the 'Aha!' effect, use the right most impactful words, provide comparisons such as 'vs.', use bullets and numbers, ask questions that make users think, strive to engage all senses of the user, and be provocative when appropriate.

  How To Get Higher Google Ranking: Content Marketing Art vs. Skill



Drive traffic by pushing your value-rich trademark keywords (examples: SuperCreativity, Highersight, SuperConscious, MegaThinker, SuperGamification, InnoBall, Innompics, MegaInnovation, Emfographics) as well as with long-tail keywords (examples: Blue-Ocean Communication, East vs. West, Advanced Soft Skills, Planet of Loving Creators, Love-based Happy Business)


Internet Marketing



Guest Posting

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Use internal linking that increases user value.

Optimize content for artificial intelligence (AI), technical on-page SEO, voice search; update existing content; recreate text posts as videos.

Analyze search intent, perform site audit, run a content gap analysis.


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Entity-based SEO is an approach that focuses on the concept of entities as the central element, rather than relying solely on keywords. An entity can be anything that is singular, unique, and well-defined, be it a person, place, organization, or concept.

Emfographics is emotion-rich infographics.