Strategic Project
Management (SPM) Defined
SPM is the process of managing complex projects by combining
business strategy and
project management
techniques in order to implement the business strategy and to deliver
organizational breakthroughs.
Project Management:
2 Approaches
Why SPM?
In the
new economy, increases in competitive change and business complexity led
to intensified internal pressure to integrate and deliver much faster and to
reduce time to the market.
Linking Projects with
Business Strategy
Business Synergies
Approach to Project Management
Strategy is a pattern in a stream of explicit and implicit
strategic projects designed to create a specific
thinking is typically associated with 'very big picture' thinking, or
'helicopter thinking' It is relevant to project management at a number of
3Bs of
Strategic Creativity
Business projects often materialize as a result of formal or informal
development. Besides projects which are of a corporate development
and external nature, there are frequently internal projects which are
aimed at reaping major
organizational change.
Learning SWOT
Individual business projects which have materialized on a 'bottom-up'
basis. Each project of that kind then needs to be linked back up to the
business strategy. This should be
accomplished by teasing out the strategic objectives of each and every
major project.