Win-Win Conflict Resolution

A real-life-example

Win-Win Conflict Resolution real-life example, universal approach


Win-Win Conflict Resolution - universal approach, success stories


A Universal Approach to Win-Win Conflict Resolution

A Real-Life Example

A wrong decision made by one side led to a serious conflict





Select the Best Common Enemy
You need to introduce an external enemy in order to arrive at a Win-Win resolution logically and comfortably for all involved
A universal enemy is:
A crime that is trying to emerge out of a mistake.


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Confucius taught,
"A mistake that is not corrected is a real mistake... If you are not ashamed of your mistakes you make them crimes."
So, if we don't correct this yet small mistake it will grow into a crime. We must prevent this from happening, learn from this experience, get wiser and arrive at an All-Win solution amicably.

*** from Dr.Z ***
1. Guru, you need a different name to reflect your incredible wisdom!
How about Guru+ - considering that it's also a position/rank in this Everyday Life Game!
Wow! This email will be analyzed by thousands in the future as an example of a masterpiece solution for developing the right strategy in this Reality RPG.
2. I know that many people don't like when I keep saying that this is a real reality - not a game!
I am more than agree with it! It's one of the goals of the Game to prove that we live in the most realistic reality out of all possible - virtual (like in Metod Virtual'nyh Robot) realities.
It does not mean that I do not realize that the outcome of this specific part of my Everyday Life Game will affect my real life!
I do! Promise! Honestly, my focus is on the real part of this complex situations. Using some primitive Math analogies: Z=R+iI, I focus on R, the real part of a complex number (Z). You are an expert in the imaginary part, I, - mind.
3. This case study is important. Not only for me. Potentially, for the entire world!
Did you laugh?
Please admit: did you, at least, smile?
You know I do not have a grandioso syndrome. Maybe, at least some of it - thinking that I do not have it?
What I meant: let's look at this situation from a point of view of an intelligent Intelligent Agent. Or, at least, Common Sense.
If two reasonable parties cannot find a win-win resolution of a conflict in this very small very specific situation, what can we expect in the case of fighting countries, such as R-U, or any other large scale conflict?
We'd better try to find - invent - the solution that balances interests of all parties.
We tell people: we know something about innovation and inventing new solution: here is a chance to demonstrate it!
If a guy, Dr. Z, who invented Macro- & Micro- Innovation cannot invent a win-win solution in his own life, it's one thing - it was developed for technical systems.
If Innovation Guru+ cannot - it might mean that there is no a solution.
So far, it appears that your strategy could be an important piece of puzzle.
Congratulations, Guru+!!
I will send you more info soon - appreciate your support!

Example: Trumpship (Trumpformational Leadership)

Donald Trump is famous for his aggressive approach to winning and getting things done. "Sometimes you need conflict in order to come up with a solution. So I'm aggressive, but I also get things done, and in the end, everybody likes me," says Trump.


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